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I know the answer!

Get ready to have your questions answered…

Questions like:
•    “Should I be trying to build my personal brand or my business brand?”
•    “How important is social media, and how much time should I spend on it?”
•    “Do I need to worry about building an Apple or Android app or ebookfor my business?”
•    “How should I be thinking about my pricing strategy, and what do I need to change in my product range?”
•    “What should I be charging for, and what should I be giving for free?”
•    “Are their overseas countries I should be outsourcing to, and how do I choose?”
•    “Are their systems I can use to manage my customers better?”
•    “How much of my time should I invest looking after my existing customers compared to attracting new customers?”
•    “I know about squeeze pages, affiliate programs, Facebook fan pages, Youtubechannels, Twitter, Google Plus and a hundred other platforms. What should I focus at?”
•    “Are there countries I could be offering my products or services in that would multiply my results?”
•    “Are their products and services I could offer today that would also transform my results?”
•    “If I have content I want to package, should I be publishing a book, creating an online training program, producing CDs or DVDs, or something different?”
•    “What is it that gaming companies are doing that allows them to attract millions of users, and what can I apply today from what they have learned?”
•    “What are the best systems to manage my accounts and admin?”
•    “What’s the best way to attract and retain a world class team?”
•    “How do I set up effective partnerships?”
•    “If I haven’t yet decided on what type of company I want to grow, how do I decide?”
•    “I want to focus more on my bigger purpose. What’s the simplest way to do this?”

If you’d like to know the answer to any of these questions, then you must attend the ‘Fast Forward your Business’ event in March. International Speaker, Author and creator of renowned profiling system, Wealth Dynamics, the premier system used by entrepreneurs to build their business and their teams world wide, Roger James Hamilton, will be covering the answers to all of these questions and giving so much more too.

In fact the moment you register,you’ll instantly get 6 very valuable and powerful tools worth over $600:

  • Wealth Spectrum Test! ·(Valued at US$37)
  • Wealth Dynamics 2 Test and Report! ·(Valued at US$100)
  •  Roger’s ebook, Your Life Your Legacy! ·(Valued at US$19)
  •  A seat at ‘Fast Forward your Business’ ·(Valued at US$199)  for just $39
  • The 30 Day PowerPack for your personal path ·(Valued at US$139)


  • The Full 90 Minute Video of Fast Forward 2011 ·(Valued at US$149)

How valuable would it be to have just one of these questions answered for you? Imagine the time, the money and the energy you’d save by tweaking  your focus onto the things that are actually going to make the biggest difference for you and your business, financially.

If you are someone who is determined to set yourself and your business up in a way you may never have done before then this is the workshop for you.

Read more about it or register your place now…

 NOTE! please make sure you enter the promotional code ‘take30off’ to get all the above and a place at the full day event for just $39. I understand there are over 300 people already registered and max capacity is 350!

Make sure you book yourself in now and secure your seat, you’ll be so glad you did.

After the phenomenal response from last years world tour, I know you’re going to love this day with Roger and guarantee you’ll come out a different person with a much bigger vision and plan for your business, your job or role and certainly your life.

I have been invited to be part of a panel after lunch, and look forward to seeing you there,

Hope you can make it to the event  it’ll make your coming year so much more rewarding.

Posted on March 6, 2013

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