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If you are a small business owner or start up – and are looking to grow your business – this is for you!


I am looking for 12 business owners and leaders (can be startups) in Sydney who has the desire to grow their business significantly – to be part of a mastermind group that I will be part of over the next 12 months. 

This is a pilot programme with the objective of 10Xing your business.

If you believe that you are keen to be part of this programme and have the motivation , authority and desire to 

  • grow your business, sales and profits, 
  • have more cash in your pocket
  • Work ON your business and not IN your business 
  • expand your networks, while earning an  internationally recognised business qualification BSB50215 Diploma of Business
And are prepare to push the boundaries of your potential…..

Join me at a complimentary briefing to see if there is a fit. 


Seating at this exclusive Briefing is strictly limited  and tickets will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

Click on invitation below  

Sydney – Tuesday 16 Oct – 12-2pm – at L7 14 Martin Place

Posted on September 16, 2018

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Ph: 02 9126 9100  Email: info@bsi.com.au
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Sydney NSW 2000

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