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If you do what you love – you won’t have to balance your life.

Make sure you believe in the vision , and what you do lights your fire or floats your boat. If the job or investment or activity is not going to do that – if you are able – do not do it! 

So what’s different since I started my business 20 years ago – I focus on what I am good at , whilst other members of my team do what they are best at. When I first started – I had to do everything – 80pc of which I was  not great at – which is where most of my energy went – Now, there  are definitely fewer forms to fill in, audits to complete, less writing up meeting notes and reconciliations and auditing  – Today, I spend my time on things that I am passionate about; namely looking for new opportunities, working with our team, our brand and Referron, Business Builders and attending events .

By spending my time on topics I am interested in and passionate about and good at, I find I rarely need to unwind, reboot and refocus; instead I feel energised by my work. 
And just as I like to incorporate fun and passion into my everyday work, I also like to incorporate work into my everyday fun and passions. I’m always on the look out for business opportunities, whether it’s meeting with fellow golfers, walkers, travellers or golf enthusiasts or spending downtime with my family – and yes let me say it – Facebook and linked in!!!!. Often the best business ideas spring from unexpected places. 
When I am overwhelmed with work, I like to get my head back in the game by going for a long walk or having a game of golf. Secondary to being with my family, I am most happy when I am in the golf course. 
Golf helps me focus and get clarity . In this state, I can put everything into perspective, and huge issued don’t seem so huge anymore.

I’ve even managed to turn it into a business opportunity – sponsoring out clubs pro-am – having regular golf days together with a charity  , managing a BBG community of golfers ( just though of this) – networking events on In exotic places bringing together entrepreneurs who are golf nuts from all over the globe to generate and grow business ideas.  
Whatever your passion is – yoga, Pilates, golf, massage , tennis, walking or running – do it – enjoy your downtime and try incorporate it in your work life 

One of the best ways to help you unwind and refocus is to take a break and do what you love 
Alongside the meetings, appointments, and email replies, it’s important to just be. If you slow down, breathe, and be present in the moment you will find balance more easily. As well as taking yoga breaks , I do this by putting time in my diary to play golf  and spend time with my family. 
By focusing on the things you are passionate about, having fun, enjoying some downtime, and prioritising the things you care about the most, you will be able to avoid having a work-life burnout. You will be much happier, engaged and productive in work and in life.
Inspired by richard Branson 
Posted on March 29, 2016

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