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Innovation Victor Dominello rejects claims the NSW tech ecosystem is falling behind


Workplace messaging platform Slack has today announced that it has chosen to open its Australasian headquarters in Melbourne, following fellow global names Zendesk and GoPro.

Atlassian slammed the sale of the Australian tech park to Mirvac as a “missed opportunity” for the state, NSW Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Victor Dominello has rejected this pointing to initiatives such as the Data Analytics Centre as signs that the NSW tech industry is well placed as a national leader.

The Minister sited Googles interest in the proposed  interest White Bay Power Station hub, announced by Premier Mike Baird last month. .

“We’ve got Google interested in White Bay, and Google is one of the biggest elephants in the room when it comes to this sector…[White Bay] will absolutely be a shining light, not just in NSW, but around the world, and that puts us on the map in a big way,” Dominello said.

Side note :- Atlassian’s property head, Brett Hartman said that Whitebay had transport issues to make it a viable hub

 Dominello is working with Planning Minister Rob Stokes to see where the Government can put in place structures to support organic growth.

There are opportunities for hubs in Newcastle (for Mining), Illawarra (for Manufacturing)  and  Macquarie Park (for Pharma)…and the ATP opportunity hasn’t gone away..

Image: Victor Dominello, Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation. Source: Victor Dominello MP Facebook page.

Posted on January 30, 2017

One response to “Innovation Victor Dominello rejects claims the NSW tech ecosystem is falling behind”

  1. Ivan Kaye says:

    ANd rthey have just won Ali Baba – launched yesterday with a fantastic openning address by Jack Ma. This move bodes well for SMEs in Australia

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