Investing in Property Starts with Developing an Investment Strategy
Investing in Property starts with developing an Investment Strategy!
Before Investing in Property, Shares or other Asset Classes, one should consider factors that include their current financial situation, their existing investment portfolio and their goals for the future.
Each investor is unique and have different goals for investing – some want a passive income streams, others may want to invest for capital growth so that they can sell their property when they retire, while others may investment in property for their children or parents to occupy.
The process of building an investment portfolio should involve planning and research vs taking an educated guess on a property and hoping that it will double in value every 10 years. A property is a substantial asset, and if one buys a property at the wrong time, it could take many years for ones investment to be successfully realized.
It is essential to do RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!! Take emotion out of your decision making process. Look at the area – demographics, infrastructure, population growth/change, desirability of area for tenants, yield, and accessibility to transport, shops and schools…. amongst other factors. Where you want to live vs. where you and to invest are 2 different decisions
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