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Is “helping you grow a “WHY”?

I have just watched this TED Video by Simon Sinek – “WHY”, Inspirational Leadership… Why Organisations succeed!!

It is inspirational!

I need your help re defining who BSI is based on the above….

Is this a WHY?
At BSI – everything we do and believe in is to “help you grow” 
Our focus is on you!
At 10X – we help you grow through coaching training and connecting
At BSI – we help you grow by getting you money (grants and capital)
At BSI People – we help you grow by recruiting training and retaining your people
At BSI Learning – we help you grow by finding innovative solutions that get you results
At Ark Total Wealth and Liquidity Finance  – we help you grow your wealth through financial planning
At Step Up we help you grow your future leaders

I suppose the question I am asking is , “is “helping you grow” a why?”

Would love your feedback and suggestions.
best regards

Posted on September 1, 2012

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