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Kala Philip appointed to BSI Learning Board

BSI Learning is pleased to announce the appointment of Kala Philip to the BSI Learning Board.


“We recognise the importance of women’s representation in decision-making roles in our company and are thrilled that Kala Philip has become our first female director and board member. “ says Scott Henderson, Director of Training and Product Development. 


Kala’s 18 year career in the training industry started in Dubai in 2000, where she spent 4 years building a successful IT training consultancy. In 2004, Kala immigrated to Australia and after working as a senior client manager for 7 years joined BSI Learning in May 2012.


“Women add significant value to companies at the board level, so the more diversity we achieve, and the better for our business and for the economy as a whole. Women create necessary balance on boards that ultimately leads to better decision making in the complex world of corporate finance, takeovers and mergers” says Mick Lynch, Chairman of BSI Learning. 


“Adding value to people’s lives through education and training is Kala’s passion” says Ivan Kaye, Founder of BSI. “Kala has held a number of roles at BSI Learning, more recently being General Manager of Accredited Learning. She has a deep understanding of the intricacies of the business and has contributed significantly to the growth of BSIL over the years. We look forward to her participation in the continued growth and development of the BSI Learning business – which will only be made richer by having Kala on our board. 


Posted on February 24, 2018

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