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Laundry List For Small Business

Dear Julia/Tony/Father Christmas

Here is a list of some of the things that would assist the SME’s (small business)  that is driving your economy. It would be great if you could take note!!

By the way, we know that you are trying, and have done awesome things for us in the past, and for this may I say on behalf of the SME’s thank you!!!

(It would  be great if other small businesses could also add to the list!!)

SME’s (business that emply less than 200 people represent (source:- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS))

  • 99% of business
  • 65% of workforce
  • employs 2.8m people
Here it goes
  1. cut red tape – compliance, BAS’s etc
  2. reduce company tax from 30% to 25%
  3. get rid of payroll tax – why punish us for employing more people (rather reward us!)
  4. stop stuffing around with superannuation changes – we need certainty so we can plan for our retirement
  5. stop cutting support of great programmes like EMDG – export incentives bring $12 for every $ spent. Support unconditionally SME’s looking to export their products and services
  6. continue with support of innovation through R&D tax rebates and Commercialisation Australia
  7. take note of Victoria’s Innovation Voucher Programme – supporting Innovation, Productivity and collaboration with Universities and Research Institutions with grants of up to $35k
  8. support continual training and upskilling – (check out 10X Growthpac (www.10x.com.au ) for example
  9. encourage and support collaboration and connection
  10. no need to support industries that are not internationally competitive – we (the SME) needs to focus on how we can compete and thrive in international markets…. if we can compete here, we can compete anywhere!! Allocate those incentives to supporting exporters!
  11. be a facilitator of business
  12. Continue with training initiatives, but enable this to flow through to SME owners, not only their staff
I encourage others to continue…..
Posted on February 7, 2013

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