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Malcolm Turnbull future proofing Australia

 “We are not seeking to proof ourselves against the future. We are seeking to embrace it.”

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has unveiled an “extensive” Cabinet reshuffle and has more than doubled the number of women at the highest levels of government, and has a clear focus on innovation.

As with any reshuffle there were winners and losers, with many of the losers close allies of Tony Abbott, who was ousted in a party room coup last week. Joe Hockey (quitting politics) and Kevin Andrews being (not happy).

 Outgoing defence minister Kevin Andrews will be replaced by Marise Payne, who is Australia’s first ever female defence minister and is one of five women in the cabinet and two women on the National Security Committee.

“She is one of our most experienced and capable senators,” Mr Turnbull said of Senator Payne, a former chair of parliament’s foreign affairs and defence committee.

Scott Morrison is the new Treasurer. (Read more about Scott Morrison here.)

Christopher Pyne has been installed in a wide-ranging super ministry – Industry, Innovation and Science – which would be at the heart of the government’s efforts to be more innovative, agile and “nimble in the way we seize the enormous opportunities that are presented to us”.

Newly-promoted Arthur Sinodinos was appointed the Cabinet Secretary, while Josh Frydenberg has been reassigned from the Assistant Treasurer’s portfolio to Resources, Energy and Northern Australia.

Kelly O’Dwyer has been named the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Small Business. Matthias Cormann remains the Finance Minister.

Progressive senator Simon Birmingham was given Christopher Pyne’s education portfolio.

Mitch Fifield’s success as a junior minister and key role in helping Mr Turnbull marshal the numbers was rewarded with a promotion to Cabinet as minister for communications and the arts.

Julie Bishop retains the foreign ministry, Peter Dutton keeps immigration, Andrew Robb holds trade, Sussan Ley keeps health and Greg Hunt keeps the environment portfolio.

Who’s who in the new Cabinet

Malcolm Turnbull – Prime Minister

Scott Morrison – Treasurer
(Promotion: former Minister for Social Services)

Julie Bishop – Minister for Foreign Affairs

Marise Payne – Minister for Defence
(Promotion: former Minister for Human Services)

Christopher Pyne – Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science
(Promotion: former Minister for Education)

Michaelia Cash – Minster for Employment and Minister for Women
(Promotion: former Assistant Minister for Immigration, Minister Assisting the PM for Women)

Kelly O’Dwyer – Minister for Small Business and Assistant Treasurer
(Promotion, former Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer)

Arthur Sinodinos – Cabinet Secretary
(Promotion, had no Cabinet role)

Simon Birmingham – Minister for Education and Training
(Promotion, former Assistant Minister for Education and Training)

Christian Porter – Minister for Social Services
(Promotion: former Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister)

Mitch Fifield – Minister for Communications and Minister for Arts
(Promotion: former Assistant Minister for Social Services)

Josh Frydenberg – Minister for Resources, Energy and Northern Australia
(Promotion: former Assistant Treasurer)

Mathias Cormann – Minister for Finance

George Brandis – Attorney General

Peter Dutton – Minister for Immigration and Border Protection

Warren Truss – Minister for Infrastructure and regional Development

Barnaby Joyce – Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources

Sussan Ley – Minister for Sport and Minister for Health

Andrew Robb – Minister for Trade and Investment

Greg Hunt – Minister for Environment

Nigel Scullion – Minister for Indigenous Affairs

Posted on September 20, 2015

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