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Memories of Rhodesia

Extract of Zim Memories….

A country is created by peoples hearts and minds… not by boundaries…. technologies such as facebook and twitter, and ease of transport and communication have been able to recreate virtual countries….. amazing!!


Post #1
2 replies

Ann Bampa (South Africa) wroteon September 12, 2007 at 10:49am
One of many for me is packing up the car and driving out to the Matopos. Sometimes we would braai there and sometimes we would eat lunch at the Matopos Hotel.

Post #2
Lorraine Ann Mullin wroteon April 3, 2008 at 7:35pm
Perfect weather,beautiful sunrises & sunsets,the fabulous jacarandas,all the beautiful trees & plants & animals.Karibia Bay,Kariba,Sinoia caves with its cobalt blue water.The people,of all colours,generally happy,friendly,content.
Rhodesian ridgebacks,rugby & being able to go out riding my horse in the middle of the night by moonlight with no fear.
The high quality cotton clothing to be had,I still have a Proud to be Rhodesian tee shirt from 1978.Green Mamba milk shakes from a little restraunt in Avondale, all the junk foods from Willards,especially the popcorn with the pastel coloured sugar…mmmmm!

Post #3
1 reply

Debra Van Vuuren (Bristol) wroteon April 29, 2008 at 5:26am
being able to walk freely through the bush, walk about freely at night in the towns, just being able to be free.
the beautiful quiet nights, only insects to be heard
the pitch black nights, the clean fresh air, the smell of rain, the feel of swimming in the lakes, fishing at 5am in the morning watching the sun rise, never being afraid. camping deep in the bush, again not being afraid.
driving through the game parks, watching the water pour over the mighty falls, walking through the rain forest getting soaked with pure clean water. having an ice cream from eskimo hut, eating dinners at friars, the drive inn, having space to live in with real big gardens, having pets who can run about freely, having a braai with family and friends, celebrating new years eve on selborne avenue at the fountain, harrassing the cops for swimming in the fountain, lying on the beautiful grass by fountain getting pissed. walking around the most amazing and beautiful gardens watching the xmas lights down selborne avenue. and all the beautiful cartoon characters in and around the park. walking around the national museum. going out to matopos for a day having a braai and appreciating the bush life. most of all i miss my cub scouts, i had such beautiful times with them camping, outdoor cooking etc etc, i loved them all and miss it so much.

Post #4
Evan Brindley (Wales) wroteon July 19, 2008 at 1:52am
Being free to act like children, running around all day exploring that wonderful country without fear.
Black Cat peanut butter. Having my mate round to watch Daniel Boone and Tarzan. Life was great when we were in our mid teens in the mid 70’s.

Later memories would include comradeship, determination never to submit to outside influences and realising I could do things I would never have thought possible.

Post #5
Aida Dilsisian (Zimbabwe) wroteon August 3, 2008 at 10:12pm
The weather, the people…what genuine people Rhodesians are and always will be. My home. Inyanga…the good old days of MontClair Hotel. God Bless Rhodesia.

Post #6
Debbie Dakers wroteon August 13, 2008 at 11:52pm
Hi Debbie (nee Whitaker) here. I so remember riding to school so early in the morning and finishing at 12.45pm only to race the rain home as it always rained when we were going home.
SOO many wonderful memories! Like identifying which animal had passed on the dirt roads when out on my dad’s farm in Chinhoyi.
Fabulous hockey tours with school (MGHS) and Representative teams.
The smell of the bush…sitting outside the restaurant at Hwange Game Reserve at night and trying to work out where the animals were and identify their calls. Plus seeing all the mongoose run so freely around there. I could go on!

Post #7
Wayne Mulholland (Zimbabwe) wroteon August 20, 2008 at 7:55am
Gremlin, Club Tomorrow, veldskoens, wine gums, jungle juice and cheap Lions.

Post #8
1 reply

Terry Knapper (Zimbabwe) wroteon August 25, 2008 at 10:19am
Now that I live in the UK I realise even more what a Fantastic country I grew up in! I loved every minute of my life in Mabelreign, Salisbury.

Haig Park School with Mr. Hough as Headmaster – Ellis Robins with memorable teachers like Mr Bradley, Mr Griffiths, Miss Hearn, Mr Fiddies and Mr Flynn. Headmaster Mr Jones and Deputy Head Mr Gibson – He was a stern looking bloke!
Swimming at Meyrick Park which was run by Mr Pietersie. Mabelreign Swimming Pool with it’s underwater viewing area, Les Brown Olympic Pool.
Seeing The Monamotapa Hotel getting built next door to Les Brown.

Biltong – Man I miss good Rhodesian Biltong and Cream Sodas and Cherry Plum.
Just being able to go to the Outdoor Fridge on the Garage Forecourts and helping myself to an Ice Cold Drink.

I miss going to Lake Mcillwaine on our boat and fishing every weekend. Going Trout Fishing at Inyanga.

Arranging a Braai – without worrying if it was going to rain or nor – you could actually plan to do things in the confidence that the weather would be good – as it usually was!
I miss the Outdoor Life and the variety which filled my life. I miss the Unadulterated food – it always tasted better.

And do you know what I miss most of all …..You Guys! Rhodesians! We were all friendly both black and white and you’re friends always stuck by you.
This one thing is a FACT – We will always be Proud Rhodesians and we will die Proud Rhodesians!

I was Born in Salisbury, Rhodesia, A Proud Rhodesian! NOT Harare, Zimbabwe – that is NOTHING to be proud of!

It was only the Outside interference from Foreign States and the extremist black movements or terrorists as we knew them, who’s sole aim was financial benefit, with no interest in caring for it’s people, that destroyed Rhodesia.

May That Once Fantastic Country – The Bread Basket of Africa – Rest in Peace!

Post #9
Cathy Maitin-Casalis Foulis (South Africa) wroteon August 25, 2008 at 11:02pm
The best years of my life! I had a freedom that my children don’t have. Even in the middle of a war I had more freedom than my own children do in a “democratic” South Africa!

Post #10
Tammy Leigh Lawless (South Africa) wroteon September 3, 2008 at 5:29am
Bengal juice at the motorcross races.
Forever playing outside, walking around with all the freedom in the world and never any fear.
The jacaranda trees.

My worst memory is the locust season.

Post #11
1 reply

Caroline Anne Legh Dyke (South Africa) wroteon October 10, 2008 at 2:09pm
Hi there! where do you start? words like moosh, sadza, PK, shumba and Shona words like ynjama, mukaka (spelling suspect!) but you know what I mean – words that live with you and nobody knows what the hell you talking about!!? Going out our bikes as kids and riding forever, wherever and getting back at dusk, no phones, no worries. Going to town on a Saturday morning (what an outing!) and having lunch in the resturant on the top of Barbours or Sanders – wonderful grub, never found again. Going to the local butcher, and grocer on the corner and my Mum running a tab!! Rixi Taxi 60 666 – remember that?? The test pattern on the TV and the music as it was coming on, going on and on, all us kids would be sitting there glued watching that test pattern untill it was 5pm. and then it would start with the national athem. Cabby would come on and we would sit in wonder!! The wonderful people both black and white, so friendly, so happy – salt of the earth. The elephant grass, and the smell after the rain. The masasa trees and the masasa beetles with thier shrill buzz through the night. The wonderful thunder storms and lightening that used to light your room up at night. The smell of the floor polish that your ‘house boy’ had freshly rubbed into the parke floors on his hands and knees! Christmas was magic, rememer the song “It’s Christmas in Rhodesia”? Ja, we are a privilaged few – treasure those memories, but remember there are thousands of us out here who share them with you! Happiness to you all where ever you are now! Caroline Dyke (nee Allen)

Post #12
1 reply

Cathy Gamaroff (South Africa) wroteon October 20, 2008 at 6:58am
I remember being wildly excited when the first rains came and the swarms of flying ants came out and flew around the street lights. My brothers and sisters and I would run out into the streets (so safe) to try and catch them. There would be cute little fat frogs who didn’t hop, they just walked, and they would gulp down ant after ant. I don’t know why that was so wonderful, in retrospect, it just was.

Post #13
ALetta Soap (Edinburgh) wroteon October 23, 2008 at 1:23am
Stock-car racing on a Saturdays, being able to go around in the cars, (my dad Wally Hales did the photography of the races and for sports too for the news papers) Beefy Burger’s and the ice-creams. Haddon and Sly’s, Meikles – City Hall, Jacaranda Trees going down Grays Ave. Riding my bike with the freedom of not being attacked. Getting true biltong, swiming at Paddonhurst, Borrowdale swimming pools having loads of friends to meet up with. Feeling safe with out any bars anywhere. Playing in the rain and not getting into trouble – and big gardens – it was the best – still home in my heart.

Post #14
Craig Du Bruyn wroteon October 27, 2008 at 1:00am
Mermaids pool every sunday

Post #15
Shelley Cookson Kyle (Zimbabwe) wroteon October 27, 2008 at 1:17am
I can’t top any of this, but I remember washing my hair during one of those afternoon downpours. Our mothers told us it was “very good for your hair”…. Trade Fair, Eskimo Hut, Drive Inn every Sunday, Fritz after a night out, driving down the middle of the road after a night out…… ๐Ÿ™‚ and not worrying about other cars on road – coz there weren’t any!!! The avocado tree in our back yard, the lemon/orange tree which had fused together when sprouting. Eating sadza and gravy with the garden boy in his room. Doing gymnastics in the huge back yard grass “patch”. Giggling until I almost wet my pants…… Oh, the happy days!!!!

Post #16
Julie Rawsthorne wroteon November 11, 2008 at 2:44am
Wow, such amazingly wonderful memories in spite of all the bad childhood memories I have. These are some of my favourites: watching I Dream of Jeanie on tv; spending weekends with my Grandparents in Hillside and later in Greendale; lazy weekends by the swimming pool, beautiful weather, glow worms in the lawn, Gremlin, Drive In, caravaning at Lake McIlwaine, the smell of the bush, elephants at Hwange, the rainforest at Vic Falls, Radio Jacaranda and the Forces programme on Wednesday afternoons, the best sunsets in the world, always being able to get a parking, nigger balls, afternoon thunder storms, the patriotism we all felt,remember signing “we are all Rhodesians and we’ll fight through thick and thin’?, singing the national anthem at school, our vegetable garden, huge numbers of different pets, trips to Kariba for the weekend, picking up tortoises on the side of the road at Makuti on the way to Kariba, Kariba bream, the word Moosh, the Rhodesia is Super t-shirts you got everywhere, the good quality clothing, going into town on a Saturday morning, Baobab trees and dusty roads, the crickets out at night, starry skies, frost on the lawn in winter.

Post #17
Deborah Molly King (New Zealand) wroteon November 13, 2008 at 3:25am
What a wonderful trip down memory lane….I remember Lake Mcillwaine and every year my dad would fish in the tiger tornament at Lake Kariba….I can smell the bush and the sun as it warms up the leaves…the sound of insects, monkeys in the distance and elephants that was a good christmas we camped at Churundu. There are no night sound here, no crickets or small bugs…I would have never guessed that I would miss that sound so much.

Post #18
Cathy Gamaroff (South Africa) wroteon November 15, 2008 at 5:42am
Yes, the “Christmas Beetles” loudly singing in the long grass in the Summer holidays, the frog chorus at night after the first rains, the “go-away” birds in the Jacaranda trees. Wonderful sounds.

Post #19
Mark Brian Harris wroteon November 24, 2008 at 9:19am
For those of us who were blessed to be born and bred in Bullies,Eskimo Hut,Worlds View Matopos,Wankie National Park and Luna Park.

Post #20
Robert Matthew Brown (Zimbabwe) wroteon November 29, 2008 at 6:43am

Post #21
John David McBride (Plymouth) wroteon November 30, 2008 at 11:04am
Eating sudsud in the garden with the gardener….
Playing with Ant lion’s ,just laying in the dust…
Camping and boating on Inyanconie dam..camping at second river outside Bulawayo on the plumtree road..Jocks store’s..and …Donkey munyor’s..The beautiful people….Leaning to make a catapult from thing you find in the bush..Going to church in barmgreen…being the only white kid that played mini-soccer in the shop behind the church..great days they were….Partying with friend……so many thing I remember…..I can never forget learning how to fish for grubs that live under the ground..Hot day’s .Flying ants and running around on the road barefooted with big red spiders running after the flying ants hehe..good times…going home cover in mud from head to toe and showering under the hosepipe in the garden..hehe….

The Zulu Warrior in the Bulawayo museum..I was like wow man…..So many thing I cannot put them down sorry..My spelling was and still is very bad…

Just being there…..

Just a note: I believe in equality for all that’s why I left in 1977..and I am sorry too see that there are so many thing still going bad for my fellow countrymen/women……….….

Best regards to all….John David..

Post #22
Yvonne DeLay (Orange County, CA) wroteon December 5, 2008 at 12:46pm
Mermaids Pool, Mazoe on Sunday afternoons, Gremlin after midnight movies, who still has the best waffles I’ve ever tasted. Choc 99s, Coq D’Or, Round Bar & Bretts( my youngest son is named Brett). Great biltong. Having breakfast or tea in the tea room at Barbours. The buffet lunch at Monomatapa on Saturdays. The Show every August, where one year I modelled at one of the pool exhibits & Luna Park. Braais with friends & family. And of course Christmas rocked in Rhodesia. I, too, remember the song Christmas in Rhodesia. Best wishes for Christmas & 2009 to all Rhodesians far & near.

Post #23
John Vorster wroteon December 6, 2008 at 4:01am
Going to the cricket at Salibury Sports Club and smelling the smell of braaied meat drifting through the air and hearing my late brother selling cooked chicken saying “come and buy your chicken here-the chicken is free,the paper wrapping is only $4-00!” HA!HA!

Post #24
William Kolbe-Booysen (South Africa) wroteon December 8, 2008 at 1:16pm
Water skiing at Lake Macilwane, the dam wall.The Lion and Cheetah park. My family not scattered around the world.

Post #25
Stephen King wroteon December 12, 2008 at 5:52pm
So many good memories… ‘Hubbly Bubbly’ and ‘Hawaiian Punch’ cool drinks & that ice-cream (can’t remember the name) shaped like a rocket ship – choc, vanilla and strawberry bands topped with chocolate and sprinkled with hundreds & thousands, riding out to the dam on weekends to go fishing, the smell of approaching rain on a summer afternoon followed by a cracking thunderstorm… the list goes on.

Post #26
Lee Catterson (South Africa) wroteon January 10, 2009 at 2:17am
The people, the smiles, the friendliness and most of all the honesty.

Post #27
Richard De Bon (Italy) wroteon January 30, 2009 at 12:10pm
My years at Courtney Seluos school.Wasn’t much of a scholar,but I really enjiyed those years with my school mates.

Post #28
Gary Du Bernard (Northern Indiana, IN) replied to Debra’s poston February 1, 2009 at 10:33pm
Nice description! I was born in Bulawayo. ๐Ÿ™‚

Post #29
Gillian Ashmead Mecoy wroteon February 9, 2009 at 7:55pm
Hitch hiking to Hots Springs while listening to Forces favourites with Sally Donaldson,and singing Chick Berry’s , My Ding- A- ling ….
Beaut African storms….the smell of rain .
Waving and hooting at every army vehicle that passed us on the road…
Hanging out at the local club with mates and family…….sooooo many to remember.
Gosh I miss it !

Post #30
Belinda Debbo wroteon February 9, 2009 at 11:28pm

Alas I have long forgotten the author of this, but it sums it up for me…..

…….Long horizons of bush and road
blue skies, held by wool-like clouds
Vistas, distances, ground well loved
An evening braai, the murmur of many tongues
And, with untold hours of work and play
….. we are eventually at peace, beneath this azure sky
That shall forever look down upon the country that I love
That shall by any other name be called
To me, in fond memory, will always be Rhodesia.

Post #31
Sian Visser wroteon February 13, 2009 at 12:09pm
Walking in the bush worrying about snakes and not guns.
sunshine. comradeship.

Post #32
Shannon Thewlis wroteon March 1, 2009 at 11:53am
Living in t-shirts and shorts, Tracker takkies (trainers), Maleme dam, Matopas, sudza, Wankie Nat Park (snort!!) and catching camel worms in my cap at the Dunlop tennis courts in Bulawayo. I can never give my kids such a rich upbringing!!

Post #33
Stephen King wroteon March 2, 2009 at 3:25am
The smells – Jacarandas in full bloom, the heady scent of the riverside in summer, rain on the breeze before an afternoon thunderstorm, fresh early morning air, the sound of a distant neighbour’s lawnmower bringing the sweet smell of cut grass, bees smelling of honey as they gathered for water by the side of the fish pond, someone’s braai… idyllic.

Post #34
Mary Frankland (London) wroteon March 2, 2009 at 11:59am
123 Hay Road, Bindura School, the swimming pool, and the Taylor Farm. Fond memories, good friends…..a life time ago but still carved in the heart.


Post #35
Jane Ledeboer Campbell (London) wroteon March 7, 2009 at 10:45am
Ethel Mine Quarry in Motoroshanga. We would jump from the top, some never came up again! Actually I never did jump! I wonder if anyone ever managed to get to the bottom.

Post #36
Karen Lucinda Zaayman (South Africa) wroteon March 17, 2009 at 12:57am
When i was fourteen…i was walking in the parking lot of the Odzi hotel, and a truck of army guys pulled in to get supplies…and in unison the started singing to me…”weve lost that loving feeling..oh that loving feeling” How brave they were… defended us with their hearts and souls. Thirty years later i still get a lump in my throat when i recall the specialness of that moment.
What a country we had!

Post #37
Terence Strong (Manchester) wroteon March 17, 2009 at 9:19am
I have so many great memories. Fishing at Ballantyne Park, Gremmies and dragging down Enterprise Road The list goes on. Those of us born in the fifties and sixties enjoyed the very best of life in a wonderful country and were privileged to have such a brilliant start to life. Oh yes there were also call-ups, which I can look back on fondly. Terence Strong

Post #38
David Cohen wroteon March 27, 2009 at 7:23am
There are so many wonderful things to remember. Perfect weather, the smell of rain, the rich red soil that stained your socks, dairyboard and lions Maid ice cream carts, the dairy den, mermaids pool, yellow orchid, blue gardenia, martin Lockes spin-a-long, sport all year round, Inyanga, cameraderie of your mates in your unit, the overall kindness of all of the people, Kariba, Vic Falls. A trip from time to time down the road of nostalgia is always a good thing.

Post #39
Coralie Pascoe (London) replied to Ann’s poston May 7, 2009 at 11:30am
I was not born a Rhodie but I do consider myself bred a Rhodie. My mum was laid to rest at Motopos-do you remember the lizard man? Eskimo hut always stands out. We did the whole country in a tent when I was 12-there was this gorgeous little chapel at Lake Kyle…
And no one has mentioned Chipangali?
Chibulies, Wrex Tarr and John Edmond (especially tales of a game ranger)…would love to get my hands on a few copies for my son.

Post #40
Ron Williams wroteon May 26, 2009 at 12:27pm
Geez,where do you start,coz the memories live on forever,like Mary Frankland{above} said,carved in the heart.lets see,walking bare foot every where,the tiny bottles of milk at Henry Low School,playing rugby on a dirt pitch & not moaning when you took a hit.Going out to Matopos{Meleme Dam} on our bikes for a week or so,& only taking one tin of beans,the rest of our food came from the dam,the bush or what sadza we could bum off the park wardens.{no mobile phones,just a “bye ma,see you in a week or so” & off you go}.Try doing thet here in the UK. Cruizing the streets looking for a drag race down Grey Street,then going to Fritz for a steak roll before hitting “Talkies”
The sight of your gorgeos girl waiting for you a Brady Barracks after a gruelling tour….New years eve at the fountain & then off to watch the sunrise at worlds view…..I could go on for ages.I am also enjoying reading all the other memories,this could go on for a while!!!!

Post #41
Brenda Gennissen wroteon May 28, 2009 at 3:24pm
Mazoe oranges mmmm… Anything grew in that sweet smelling red soil and picking it strait off the bush to nibbling the sweet goodness.
Running a muck with the locals and hoards of cousins in the bush and not having to check in with parents till dinnertime.. Playing in the minedumps. Familly get togethers from early morning to late night. Oumas cooking…..swimming in clear icy cold springs. window shopping with the folks late at night…drive inn…stock car races.
Fresh bread delivered by boys on bicycles (yellow buns with a cuppa tea)….best of all the milk in the glass bottles…n sipping off the cream from the top…Yummy! dairyboard and lions Maid ice cream carts, milk and juce at school break – giggle…รฉgging cars from those huge stormdrains…
Jacarandas in full bloom – Chaplain High School. Big Blue ballooning skirts to the Montrose Girls High uniform…LUNDI PARK PRIMARY…Mr Bell and the bets for a bottle of Coca-Cola..”Sweet”
Neighbours were like an extended family.
The army guys..he!he! giving the peace sign to every truck that passed us.
Proud to be Rhodesian..

Post #42
Jenny Simpkins wroteon May 28, 2009 at 3:48pm
The people, the endless sunshine, the Jacarandas that lined our street in Belvedere, Salisbury, the popping sound when the odd car drove over the carpet of purple flowers on the road beneath them, our pool, our huge garden, the flamelilies growing wild amongst the rockeries in our garden, cycling to school and back then heading into the veld just two blocks away with dogs and friends for the rest of the day – completely free, Lake McIlwaine, Mermaids Pool, Troutbeck, the fantastic fresh local produce, braai’s, early morning swimming training at Les Brown pool, being treated to dinner at Monomatapa Hotel, lunch at Barbours with my Mum and sister, cream soda milkshakes at Gremlins, the excitement of going to see the Christmas lights and display in the park next to Les Brown pool on a warm December evening, spending hours outside swimming, running, laughing – no thought of tv, computer games, mobile phones etc, oh I could go on and am truly blessed to have been born and bred in Rhodesia.

Post #43
Peter Gargan (Zimbabwe) wroteon July 5, 2009 at 9:50am
The sight of Beit Bridge coming home, the first pilsener at the Lion & Elephant. Birchenough bridge appearing in the distance, Baobab trees. A red carpet of Crimson Spider Mites at Birchenough. Impala dancing. Msasa trees in flame red on the hills surrounding Umtali. The same view green a few months later.
Doing a “ton” on your bike down the Inyanga road and “hitting the wall” as you went over the bridge after the 15 mile staight.
Manica beers in Beira, fishing on the beach and being able to call a waiter for a drink (restaurant name forgotten).
Early morning starts for the Tiger Tournament at Kariba .Racing across the lake to be first at the gorge. The sight and sound of an RRAF Hunter coming down Sanyati gorge at zero feet . The wildlife viewed from a boat at Kariba.
Walking through a buffalo herd at Mana Pools. Catching a Vundu with a piece of blue soap at Mana camp. The sight of Elephant swimming across the Zambesi to Zambia, like a herd of submarines.
Meeting a Buffalo face to face in the reeds at Impala Ranch , Chiredzi.
The privilege of growing up there at a time when things were great.

Post #44
Roy Amm wroteon July 7, 2009 at 7:51pm
Hubbly Bubbly, Bazant, Dairy Den – being able to go to the local hotel and buying beer at the ‘off-sales’, LรจCoq Dor, Archepeligoes (sp), Club 99, Squires Night Club, Saturday Lunch Time Scene at Oasis Motel Sby – many trips to Kariba, Freedom, Best Climate, Gremlin Drive Inn restaurant. The Red Fox Hotel, Greendale. Feathers, Mabelriegn. Spaniards Hotel, Mabelreign. Elephants Walk Motel, near Karoi
Forces Canteen – good grub and spoiled by all the volunteer mom’s
Great childhood, good friendships, -=—– miss it a lot, still.

Post #45
Deborah Lane replied to Cathy’s poston July 8, 2009 at 8:05pm
You made me cry (good tears) with your beautiful descriptions which brought back wonderful memories of the freedom and good fun we all experienced as children growing up in Rhodeisa.

Debbie Lane (nee Boot)

Post #46
Ann Bampa (South Africa) replied to Ann’s poston July 13, 2009 at 2:40am
Oh and I almost forgot.. going to Eskies for ice-cream, Fritz for a Spanish Burger and the Trade Fair!

Post #47
Sheila Joyce Wheeler wroteon July 21, 2009 at 5:19am
Wow so many…The Vumba, Leopard Rock Hotel. Inyanga, Troutbeck Inn. The holidays we had there. The huge gardens and houses we had. The rose bushes in our garden. The FRIENDLY people. The laid back lifestyle. The Airforce days not much money but we had so much fun. Matopos. Mermaids Pool. Churchill pipe band…

Post #48
Graham Longstaff replied to Caroline’s poston July 21, 2009 at 9:51pm
Carol, you just summed it up. I lived there, not born and bred, but for those years it was home. Unique people and places, unique country. When asked where I am from, I answer, with a lot of pride..I am Scots by birth, Rhodesian by choice.

Post #49
Alan Law wroteon July 23, 2009 at 5:43am
Oh man . . . . so many memories, it would take a lifetime to list them all!!

I’ll never forget the one guy who would wander around tghe rugby & cricket selling “ice cream, Bengal Juice & nyamnyams”!!!!

My last Christmas in Zim (’81), was spent in Bullies with the best friends a person could ever have . . . Charmaine Rogers & her wonderful family, Ken (Tam) Dornan, Bruce (Box) Robertson, etc, etc . . . We were so broke that we couldn’t afford a drop of dop between us, & we spent a month getting wasted on water! The best time of my life; could never be repeated anywhere.

I was at Churchill when the Pipe Band broke the world record by piping nonstop in the hall for 100 hours. What an amazing time. I still get goosebumps every time I hear the pipes.

Getting caught underage at the offsales a month before I turned 18, & almost getting thrown in jail for my sins!!

People who never had the privilege & honour of beng brought up in the most unique country in the world could never understand the passion we all still feel Rhodesia.

Post #50
Jackie Bruwer (South Africa) wroteon July 25, 2009 at 2:08am
I miss the freedom of living without fear. Most of all i miss the people who were in the most part genuine honest and caring. There is nothing like being a born and bred Rhodesian and i am proud to say that i am.

Post #51
Katie Alfonso wroteon July 26, 2009 at 7:31am
After reading everyone’s notes about their memories of Rhodesia. There’s just one thing left to say, “Rhodesia was God’s country”.

Post #52
Cherril Lawless wroteon August 6, 2009 at 12:41pm
My biggest memory is the freedom we had as children, climbing kopies, riding bikes. The thunder storms, the pawpaws, mango’s fresh from the tree. The people and the countryside.

Post #53
Natasha Capper wroteon August 26, 2009 at 6:52pm
Mangoes from the tree behind our house. Playing with a sense of freedom and innocence that will never exist again. Identifying the animals in the clouds. Balancing rocks and cave paintings. Dairy Den after ballet.

Post #54
Pauline Mary replied to Terry’s poston August 28, 2009 at 10:53am
Hi Terry – I was very interested to see your note here. Howard Hough was my stepfather – sadly he passed away in 1982. You warmed my heart to think that there is someone out there who remembers him. He was a great teacher and Headmaster. Take care. Regards, Pauline Clarke

Post #55
Pauline Mary wroteon August 28, 2009 at 10:56am
Mermaid’s Pool, Bengal Juice, Riding home from school and stopping along the way to chat to my friends – and ALWAYS getting home later than I should have!!! The Yellow Orchid Drive Inn in Sherwood Drive, snogging at Mabelreign Drive-In!!!!!! Breakfast runs up Domboshawa. Stock Cars and Speedway at Salisbury Show Grounds.

Post #56
Pauline Mary wroteon August 28, 2009 at 11:04am
oh and … those magnificent Msasa trees – remember how they use change the landscape completely when they ushered in the spring time? Those sparkling streams at Inyanga. Troutbeck Inn. The Little Swallow Inn just outside of Umtali. Cross Kopje in Umtali. Holidays at the Estoril Hotel in Beira and the Pavillion right on the beach in Beira. Playing at the old shipwreck on the beach.

Post #57
Clifford Bartlett wroteon August 28, 2009 at 1:13pm
Rhodes and Founders weekend at Wankie. So many lions to see and elephants. I remember in one weekend we saw 21 lions a record for all our visits. God’s own country. The bread basket of Africa. May it once again return to what it was. Debbie Stoneley

Post #58
Eugene Clemens Els (South Africa) wroteon September 19, 2009 at 12:21pm
Definitely the food! My aunt Eugenie’s food.. mm…. Esp Hay Stacks! Best food I ever ate in my whole life.

Post #59
Lance Wilson (South Africa) wroteon September 22, 2009 at 10:51am
Two nannies greeting each other at the break of dawn in Inyanga, each one on a different hillside and shouting across the valley to each other–
Mangwananieeeeeeeee, the other one returns, mangwananieeee ndaarrarah ehrehh, the other one returns, ndaarrarah cannamaarrah ooohh,
OoooKKKKK Fambaai Zvakanakka, Dizzozzo.
It was amazing how the voices would carry accros the early morning mist, for such long distances.
The smell of the Kraal fire, A proud police force that wasnt corrupt, Fourpence our house keeper and cook, he was part of our family for 25 years, my second father.

Post #60
Darren Bester wroteon September 27, 2009 at 3:04pm
In a nutshell, it was the friendly people… never had anything quite like the genuine Rhodie warmth and hospitality since I left in ’82.

Post #61
Colleen Scott wroteon September 29, 2009 at 4:30am
Telly 5 Club, Cabby and Suzie the dalmation – and Daktari on TV! Thunderstoms! Bullfrogs after the rains! And like most people, just everything! What an awesome priviledge to be born and raised in such a wonderful country.

Post #62
Hillery Magrobi (South Africa) wroteon October 2, 2009 at 1:03pm
Bengal juice at school – I can almost taste it! ๐Ÿ™‚
Awesome teachers like Mr Heron, and Mrs Gillespie at Courtney Selous
Mr Leech our Headmaster at Moray Primary
Carefree life, feeling safe in our home
Chester our “house boy” and cook who looked after our family
Happy times – miss it! ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted on December 3, 2009

One response to “Memories of Rhodesia”

  1. John Curtis says:

    I lived in Rhodesia from my birth in 1953 to when I left in 1969. Christmas beetles, Jacarandas in my yard (and in "the Avenues"}, playing cricket in the middle of Nirvana Rd (dirt) and having to move when a car came, the spruit and watching tadpoles change, riding my bike from after school till dark where ever I wanted, bare foot – the large scar as evidence, the balancing rocks, afternoon lightning storms and the steam rising from the road, sailing "boats" down the storm gullies – anything that would float, THE INCOMPARABLE DOMBOSHAWA, the Msasas in bloom on the way to Sinoia caves, picnics in Mazoe – I gotta stop – too many memories. ๐Ÿ™‚

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