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This article on success in franchising reminds me of the story of the man in ancient Rome who left his place of abode to make a new start. He entered the new town and ask the first person he met what sort of a place it was. The town local asked ” Tell me about the town you’ve come from, what sort of people were they?” “They were wonderful people” answered the man. “Well” the other man replied, “you will find the same sort of people here”. Immediately after that, another traveller came to the same town and asked the same local man what the people were like in this town. The local again asked “Tell me about the people in the town you have just come from “The traveller replied “They were nasty people, always putting you down and weren’t very friendly at all am afraid” The local replied “Well you’ll find exactly the same people here”. It is all about your mindset.

Posted on August 19, 2016

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