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My Nephew needs your help!!

OK…. need your help…. my nephew Bradley “Suppy” Klibansky produces a programme hosted by “Hutchie” and “Pickers” called “off the bench” … see message below… Please like and get your friends to like….

Uncle Lendal (my nickname!)..need your help..i need to get 1500 ‘likes’ on the radio show I produce by this Saturday..it’s a order from the Hutch..please can you help!! Get your friends involved. Lots of great prizes and competitions every week. All they have to do, is click the ‘off the bench’ link below and ‘like’ the page. Thanks


“twiter commentary”
bsivc Ivan Kaye need your help! my nephew “Suppy” produces “off the bench” hosted by #Hutchie and #Pickers 500 ‘likes’ needed …..facebook.com/OffTheBenchTeam
BradKlibansky Brad Klibansky @bsivc thanks lendal. @OffTheBenchTeam is the best sport and entertainment radio show. Saturday’s from 9am-12pm across Australia. 

Please like and if you win prizes and have comments about the programme, please leave your comments here!!

Posted on February 14, 2012

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