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Networking Breakfast at the Amora – great time had by all!

On Tuesday the 24th January at 7.00am, BSI connect held their first Leadership and Networking Breakfast at the Amora Jamison in Sydney’s CBD, and what a fantastic morning it was.
With a filled conference room of 40 people, Ivan Kaye the CEO of BSI welcomed everyone and introduced himself and BSI’s two John Maxwell accredited coaches Ivan Ang and Grahame Murphy.
Ivan Ang and Grahame have been working for the past few months on BSI Connect’s mastermind group. This 8 week program that takes place for an hour each week follows John Maxwell’s “21 irrefutable laws of leadership” and focuses on coaching business minded people on how to grow as a leader and the benefits it brings.
 The next stage of leadership growth being offered is their new Inner Circle Club. This valuable information-focused network group begins in March and not only gives members an opportunity to network with others once a month, but to work through John Maxwell’s text “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect” in depth.
The breakfast began with an introduction to this program, which not only was informative and interesting but included attendees as they gave their personal experiences of how they have applied “connecting” principles in their past.
Whilst enjoying breakfast, Ivan Kaye explained the concept and importance of networking in the business world, which he demonstrated by getting all attendees out of their seats for a 15-minute game of speed networking. Laughs were shared, business cards were exchanged and everyone walked back to their seats having learnt about a lot of people in the room after being able to have 3-minute conversations with their “date” and switching at the sound of a bell.
When asked who had made an arrangement to follow up with someone in the breakfast, every person put up their hand!   This was definitely a highlight of the morning.
A leadership and development plan developed by Ivan Ang and Grahame was provided and allowed everyone to work through their worksheet together, applying the information discussed during the workshop and giving each person something of value to take home and allow them to be able to reflect on their goals for 2012 and how to achieve them.
The workshop drew to an end at 9.00am where everyone left happy and feedback forms showed an enormous interest by attendees to join either the mastermind 8 week leadership course or the Inner circle club in search of adding more value to themselves and increasing their leadership potential.
A special congratulations to the winner of the raffle “Bruce Murphy”, a graduate of the mastermind group who won John Maxwell’s “ 5 levels of leadership” which helps people understand the qualities of an effective leader and how to develop those qualities.
Thank you to all those attended, we are very pleased with all the positive feedback and are looking forward to our next breakfast on Tuesday March 6th.  
If you are interested in attending the breakfast click here to register your interest
Posted on February 6, 2012

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