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News Corp Australia has acquired a 25% stake in hipages, an online marketplace for tradespeople.

Hipages co-founders David Vitek and Robert Sharon-Zipser. Supplied

Launched in 2004, hipages sees 60,000 jobs posted per month, which adds up to $1.35 billion in jobs annually.

hipages had previously raised $6 million in May 2014 and $6 million in June 2015, and is backed by Ari Klingers Right Click Capital 

The company has seen 45% growth in the amount of jobs posted year-on-year, and monetises by charging tradies a fee per job 

“The investment is part of a wider plan to further develop and grow the property and home services category in Australia,” said CEO Peter Tonagh. “hipages is a leader in this market and has consistently demonstrated innovation and strong management.

“We look forward to working with the hipages team to realise further benefits for both our businesses in the property and home services category.”

Posted on December 7, 2015

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