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This is a summary of an article that Paul Clitheroe wrote in the North Shore Times today  – Paul is the chief commentator of Money Magazine

The RBA’s official rate is now 3.35% – a 3 year low – have your interest rates on your mortgage reduced?

3 years ago, the average rate was 5.7%, it is now 6.35% (hmmmm) –  with a little bit of shopping around, you may be able to secure a lower rate.

Ratecity – the online comparison site shows a difference between the lowest and highest rate as 1.8%. On a $300,000 loan, this could mean an extra $355 per month (money that I would rather have in my pocket , thank you very much!)

With so much variation, it makes sense to see how your loan shapes up. Bear in mind that refinancing might come with additional costs. These additional costs might offset potential savings.

That’s where a Liquidity Broker comes in handy!!

Fill out the attached form, and we will do the numbers and work out whether you have a great deal, or you could do better.

Posted on October 10, 2012

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