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Paul Zack entering the world stage with BCNU

4 years ago I decided to leave the security of a well paid Executive Job and branch out to discover my inner entrepreneur. With renewed focus and direction I founded BCNÜ Utility Wear which has become a leading lifestyle brand competing on the worlds stage among the best of the best.

Yesterday I was approached by a Journalist from ninemsn COACH to provide insights and comment on the 2016 Mens Fitness Fashion Trends. This was the greatest compliment and acknowledgement for the hard work, commitment and dedication that I have put into building a remarkable brand, elevating the human form with unrivalled active fashion!
I’ve achieved this by intimately understanding and leading in our market. We (my team and I) have become experts in human physiology, we express ourselves in a playful and provocative manner and we have built mutually beneficial partnerships which has enabled this great Aussie Brand to go global and play on the worlds stage, influencing mens fashion trends and leading in our market.
2016 is all about building on our success, reinvention, surprising the market, playing to our customers needs and keeping it fresh. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved and super excited about the future!
Check out the story….http://coach.ninemsn.com.au/2016/01/14/12/16/mens-activewear-is-booming
Posted on January 14, 2016

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