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Persevering through obstacles builds trust

Extract from Business Insider

If you have hardships, issues and challenges. to persevere is the strongest sign of our ability to succeed, according to Mark Goulston, a psychiatrist, author, and former FBI hostage-negotiation trainer.

 “The more proactive and resourceful you are, and the better your judgment calls and decision-making are when you’re dealing with an obstacle, the greater the trust and confidence others will have in you.” 

And where there’s trust, there’s success.

He suggests employers ask these questions, and candidates be ready to answer them (with concrete examples for each):

Give me an example of an obstacle you faced and what you did that involved:

  • not having the skills to do what was expected of you.
  • not being able to develop skills you needed and having to attain and use resources outside yourself and your group/department.
  • having to attain and use resources outside your company.
  • not being clear with what you were being asked by a superior who intimidated you.
  • having to gain cooperation from people within your group or from another part of your organisation who appeared non-cooperative or kept putting you off.
  • dealing with downsizing in your department or group.
  • dealing with a reprimand or negative performance review.
  • having to hold accountable and confront a difficult person about something they were doing wrong or something they were failing to do.
  • dealing with a mistake you’ve made.
  • dealing with the biggest setback in your career.

Posted on May 17, 2015

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