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Prioritise your day

A gem from Danielle Walz from Mackay

 For those who know me well, I’m pretty unorganised and forgetful on the best of days. I will head out to the shopping centre for milk but come back with bread and a packet of bikkies instead. Ok, maybe I’m not that forgetful, but you get the point.

Being unorganised and owning a business doesn’t work, all it does is make you unproductive. You will find it is one of the biggest things that can kill your business. I have a variety of techniques I use to prevent me from being unorganised, one of my main being my daily To Do List.
I love To Do Llsts and have them for every day of the week. I can safely say, the days that I have my lists are the days I’m being most productive. There is however, a right way and a wrong way to be create To Do lists.
The Wrong Way!
The wrong way to create a To Do List is to write down a list of everything you need to do, which could easily get up to 30-50 things on a daily basis, and then not prioritize it.
What will happen is you will feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks you need to complete. You will start crossing off the easy tasks – which are often most unimportant, to shorten the list and make yourself feel better. It’s true, you may have been busy all day, but were you being productive on what was most important?
The Right Way!
The right way to create a list is quite simple, write out everything you need to do and then prioritize 6 things. These should be the 6 most important things you need to accomplish for that day, to keep you on target for your yearly goals.
Then go one step further and plan the 6 things into your day, so you know exactly what time you are working on which task. Once you have finished these 6 tasks, start working on the rest of the list.
By doing this, you are not setting yourself up for failure. Too many people set unachievable and unrealistic goals for themselves, then they either feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, or they concentrate on the less important tasks.
I recommend you implant this to your team members and make them accountable for their day. Have them show you at the end of each day if they achieved their daily tasks and if they didn’t achieve their goals, have a chat with them about why not and how they can prepare and plan better for the following day.
Posted on March 18, 2015

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