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Property Insights from the Experts

Chris Gray (Founder and CEO of Empire) and Myles Thornton (Partner, Ark Total Wealth) will examine the following topics:
– What type of property to buy – new vs old, city vs country, house vs unit
– Where to currently buy
– How to setup the right loan structure for you and how much you can borrow
– Buying in different structures – Individual vs Trusts vs Super
– Understanding the real cash flow of the property – What it will really cost you? 
– Other areas to consider when buying property
There will be ample food and drink, plus some takeaways including Chris Gray’s book ‘The effortless Empire’ and the Ark Strategy paper on buying property in super. 
In addition, there will be ample time for questions at the end. 
The date is Wecdnesday , 6th May at 6pm (Level 7 , 14 MaRTIN PLACE) – Be sure to register by clicking here or below.
Posted on April 27, 2015

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