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Property or Shares? Hear from 2 Experts

As you may know, we recently acquired a stake in PowWow Events (www.powwowevents.com.au )

Pow Wow Events aims to provide you with an environment conducive to learning and with speakers who are not only leaders here in Australia but throughout the world.

We are delighted to invite you to learn the secrets of building a growth generating, tax shedding, high growth property portfolio PLUS how to generate cash flow, growth and minimise risk from share investing.

Events are in Sydney and Brisbane

Peter Spann (multi-millionaire share investor who advises on over ½ a billion in client funds) and Maurice Goldberg (property expert who has advised on over ½ a billion in residential investment property) join together to fight it out – shares v’s property – and you’re the winner.

Too often people either love shares OR they love property. Even if (and it’s pretty unusual) they like both they learn by making mistakes…and lots of them.

Peter and Maurice have made millions (and both have, many times over) but they have also made the mistakes so that you won’t have to!

Most “experts” don’t want to tell you about their losses, only their wins, and as you become an expert Peter and Maurice will not only help you achieve the financial freedom you always wanted but also help you build an exciting and risk managed solution. A plan that’s not just a hope or a dream and certainly not a gamble…. Real, considered, intelligent and exciting.

You will leave this day with more certainty about your next steps on your path to financial freedom.

From broke to multi-millionaire in just 7 years
Peter’s rise to wealth was swift and exciting. At 21 he was broke and working for Woolworths as a check out operator. At 28 he had built a property portfolio of over 100 individual properties and a cash flow generating share portfolio that enabled him to fund them.

His wealth creation motto is “if I can do it you can too” and he set out to prove it by teaching his strategies to literally tens of thousands of ordinary Australians – he was so successful he became known as…

The Millionaire Maker!

You can become wealthy.

You can be making more money than you are now – without working.

You can get good investment returns without taking extraordinary risk.

But you won’t be able to do it without a great wealth creation strategy.

And that’s exactly what we intend to give you.

What you’ll learn from Peter…

Super charge your wealth strategy

You’ll learn the strategy that made Peter, and hundreds who followed him rich – almost anybody can do it and you can start today.

Your Ticket to Freedom

Most people never start investing because they think it’s too hard or they don’t have enough. Peter will show you how you could retire rich starting from just $10 a day.

Easy Wealth Creation

Becoming wealthy doesn’t have to be hard – with the right strategy you can be on your road to riches the easy way

Generating Cash Flow

How you can turn your share portfolio into a money spinning cash machine to fund your lifestyle or investing – $50, $100, to thousands of dollars a month are possible

Where Billionaires hang from trees

Billions of dollars are made each day from the new industrial revolution but most people don’t even know it’s happening – you can invest the same way Billionaires do – Peter shows you how

Would you rather $16,289 or $137,858?

For example one strategy you will learn can produce up to 3% per month! Many of our clients are netting 20% to 30% PA by using it. To give you an idea of how exciting that is, if you invested $10,000 in the bank at 5% PA in 10 years it would have grown to $16,289. If you were able to get 30% PA that same $10,000 would have grown to $137,858! Pretty extraordinary isn’t it?

Click Here to Register for BRISBANE free to your family and friends

Click Here to register for Sydney free to your family and friends

Taking you beyond what you thought was possible

Maurice Goldberg is a thought leader in wealth creation. Not only has he created hundreds of millionaires but he has taught wealth creation ”experts”’ around Australia how to “think smart” when it comes to residential real estate A qualified architect, financial planner and real estate agent, he has combined his passion for property with his love of helping people achieve their goals.

Taking people beyond what they thought possible is the main purpose of my work. Wealth creation is just part of that picture, however, I have observed that when people move in the direction of their financial potential, many other areas of their lives also open up and flourish.”

7 ways to rapidly build your property portfolio

Many people sit around for years waiting to invest when they should be rapidly and safely compounding their wealth creation – Maurice teaches you when and where you should start looking for properties and when you should start buying.

Squeezing financers – save thousands

Let’s face it nobody likes paying banks anything more than you absolutely have to – Maurice explains how you could be paying thousands of extra dollars in hidden fees and costs that are better off in your pocket and how you can use creative financing strategies to get you into your next property.

Property profits

How you can use your portfolio to build your wealth and retire rich

The 5 keys to scientific property research

How you can find the properties that will make you the most. How to identify suburbs, even streets that are most likely to outperform the smart way – Pulse , the research company that Maurice started provides research to investment advisers all over Australia and this alone could save you tens of thousands when buying and more importantly compound your profits by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The 4 Stages to creating total Abundance

Once you know these you will be aware of your patterns that prevent you “living the life you were born to live “. You will then be able to make the choice to have the wealth you desire and deserve.

Click Here to Register for BRISBANE free to your family and friends

Click Here to register for Sydney free to your family and friends

Discover how you could build a cash flow positive portfolio of quality investments

There are many ways to invest for positive return – property, high yield share funds and more but most people are mystified by the complexity of it. This workshop unravels the confusion and puts everything in plain English.

100% Full-On Wealth Education

What you get is a strong, solid, practical, and realistic education in wealth thinking, prosperity practice, quality investing, income generating, fast track strategies and tactics to safely build your wealth.

We’ve gone to a lot of trouble to ensure that these seminars will provide you with considerable value and at a price no one can refuse – FREE!

A lifetime investment in your most precious resource…

  • Should you attend Automatic Wealth…

    You should do everything you possibly can to be a part of The Automatic Wealth seminar if…

  • You want to move your investment strategy to the next level
  • You want to shrink the time it will take for you to achieve financial freedom …
  • You have been thinking about investing, but don’t know where to start…
  • You have spare time that you could devote to increasing your income or investing but you don’t have the knowledge you need to take those first steps…
  • You have all the knowledge you need but, for some reason, you just can’t seem to be able to begin investing…
  • You are worried about the future and want a plan that will ensure your financial independence…
  • You want to get out of the rat race, establish a passive income for yourself, and spend the rest of your life lying on the beach, or playing golf, or skiing …
  • You have an investment portfolio, but the returns you are getting are not as exciting as you suspect they could be …
  • You have been burned in your previous attempts at investing, and you’re concerned you may have lost your nerve …
  • You just love being with other motivated, success oriented people who are working together to extract the most they possibly can from their lives …
  • You feel as if you are the only person you know who is struggling to get ahead – everybody else seems to be taking advantage of you!

If any (or all) of these possibilities gets you nodding, then Automatic Wealth is definitely for you!

Remember, there is no risk to you!

And even if you are sceptical (and when it comes to investing money you should be) the seminar is free – you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Don’t you owe Automatic Wealth to yourself?

Reflect for a moment about everything you will learn at the seminar.

The investment strategies, the personal skills and the hard-won experiences Peter and Maurice will share freely with you.

Think about the step-by-step plan you’ll create for yourself – a plan to leave mediocrity behind and step into a new world of true financial freedom.

And think about just how good you’ll feel when you return to your friends and family to celebrate your success.Please register now!

Click Here to Register for BRISBANE

Click Here to register for Sydney

FREE to you AND your friends and family

1800 878 878

The team will answer any questions you may have, and help you through the enrolment process.

It’s time to make a genuine difference to your life and investing.

And get ready for a big difference to your financial future.

Posted on November 6, 2009

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