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Palo Alto, CA – July 22, 2008 – RedBubble, which is at the forefront of the open art movement – art made accessible to creators and purchasers by the web , will be presenting its global rollout at AlwaysOn & STVP Summit at Stanford, CA [July 22 – 24, 2008].

Aspiring artists, designers, writers, and photographers can take their inspiration to the world – and be rewarded for their work – through an Australian web start-up that is attracting worldwide attention and strong growth.

RedBubble is an online art gallery and creative community where artists can upload and sell their art to a global audience of buyers. Almost as importantly, RedBubble also enables artists to receive comments and feedback on their work.

Lisa Webber of Orlando is a classic example of how artists can open their world and manage their day/work life while being a recognized artist through RedBubble www.redbubble.com/people/artisticbynature .

RedBubble started out in Australia, but now attracts users from around the world. More than 120,000 items have been sold through the site to buyers in 71 countries over the past year.

RedBubble provides a platform for artists to monetize their work. An artist from a t-shirt designer to an illustrator, can sell his or her design to a customer who can have it printed on a t-shirt, framed etc using RedBubble’s global production and distribution network. The artist determines the price for their work beyond the base price charged by RedBubble to print, frame or reproduce the artwork.

“We help people realise their creative potential by taking care of the business that also helps reward their efforts,” said RedBubble CEO and founder Martin Hosking.

“RedBubble brings together the best of the web 2.0 world – content and community – while also delivering a strong business model.”

Hosking said RedBubble is to the creative arts what YouTube is to online video – with an important difference.

“RedBubble puts the monetary value of the content in the hands of its creators. They set their price, and for a base fee we turn into a product they can be delivered to the buyer who is inspired by the work, whether it is a framed piece of art, a design on a t-shirt, or a piece of writing.”

“Artists create and display their work on RedBubble to a global audience. We provide a way for them to sell their work, produce it and distribute the finished product to the buyer,” Hosking said.

“There are no barriers to entry for the artists. In fact, they can develop their skills and abilities by being part of a supportive and passionate community.

“Consumers can browse our extensive galleries of art, design and writing to find what inspires them. We then make it easy for them to buy the works they love

Hosking is using his magic touch that brought his last company success story LookSmart to market, to make RedBubble the next big thing for creative’s around the globe.

RedBubble is presenting at the AlwaysOn & STVP Summit at Stanford as part of the BSI USA program [www.bsi.com.au] at 9am Fisher Hall on July 24, 2008.

About RedBubble:
RedBubble.com launched in February 2007. Since then it has grown to be the third most trafficked art site on the Web with 70,000 members and sales in its first year of over $1.2 million. The Company was founded by Martin Hosking, Peter Stules and Paul Vanzella and serves a global market with operations in Europe, the USA and Australia. It is headquartered in Melbourne Australia.

Posted on July 23, 2008

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