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Referron Sponsoring SME’s to attend a 2 day seminar with the Industry Rockstars!

Last month we launched an exciting new smartphone app called Referron, an app that enables you to refer to and get referred by someone you know , like and trust within 3 taps of your phone, with the ability to track and reward your referrals!
It’s been a whirlwind since then, with Referron taking the market by storm – mostly because it’s the missing link for any business that gets sales through word-of-mouth referrals (and that means just about EVERY business) by making it really easy for your customers to refer your service to every contact in their phone… yes, you read that right, every contact in your customer’s phone.
Imagine what a difference that kind of referral power could make to your bottom line!
Now I’ve got some more great news for you… and it includes a Free Gift to you valued at $147.
Naturally, I want to help people using Referron to be as successful as possible, and the best way to raise awareness of the app is to have users talking about how much business they’ve been able to bring in by using it.
That’s why we’ve decided to sponsor some unique business workshops around the country over the next few weeks.
Kane Minkus is a serial entrepreneur who has launched 5 multi-million dollar businesses, all in different industries. 
He made each one successful through networking, personal branding and building a high profile within the industry.
Kane is in Australia to teach you these same strategies… because, with the right personal brand and profile, new clients and business opportunities will seek you out rather than you always needing to chase them.
Tickets to these 2 day workshops were discounted to $47 each, however, thanks to our sponsorship of the event, you can now book in at no charge.
Click here to learn more and book your complimentary seat
In addition to learning the most cutting-edge strategies for personal branding, these workshops are an ideal environment for networking to find new business.
You’ll be in a room with a couple of hundred like minded businesspeople, who all understand the value of referrals to generate sales.
Spend some time networking, and I guarantee you’ll make some valuable contacts to find new business.
This is the perfect place to use Referron for generating new sales; make sure it’s installed on your phone before you attend.Click here to connect with me,  Upload your profile and download the app.

So grab a seat now, as my guest, the first event is less than a week away! 

Posted on July 15, 2013

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