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A poem about my home town, Bulawayo…


by James Sturges (84)

Jacarandas, blue tinged trees,
Laughing children, all say please.
Smiling nannies loud and chatting,
Queens Club cricket, Rhodies batting.
Braais and picnics, Maleme Dam,
Tanganda tea and Colcom Ham.
Greeting friends to talk and talk,
Hillside Dams were safe to walk.
Snakes and mossies, flying ants,
Schoolboy rugby, winning chants.
Swimming parties,sleep-in nights,
Christmas Carols by candle light.
Honest Police, able and willing,
Downing’s rolls ten for a shilling.
Sunday car trips, Matopos caves,
OM ‘s and Busters Saturday raves.
Week-end outings to Vic Falls ,
Dancing and Ballet in Curtain Calls.
Beautiful gardens, Centenary Park ,
Window shopping just after dark.
Burger and Hot-dogs, Eskimo Ices,
Aromas from cafes of curry and spices.
Snow white tackies, Bata shoes,
Charity fetes, tombola and booze.
Clear blue skies or heavy rain,
Wish I could live it all over again.
Memories fade, so much to tell.
Oh Yes, Dear Rhodesia
I remember you well.

Posted on December 3, 2009

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