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Right time right action

Musings after listening to a session by Dan Martel

Knowledge is abundant 
Information is available and free
Content is important – but it’s also about the contact and the context 
2 people have same information – and have same process and product – 2 people act on this – but at different times – one person wins and one person loses – why!!!!
It’s not about the people in your life – its the right people 
It’s not about the timing of doing something – it’s about the right timing! 
It’s not about the processes and systems – it’s about the right timing and systems 

You need to follow a process and the timing that will enable you to succeed and thrive and achieve your goal….
Example – 2 people have the Recipe and ingredients to make a brilliant chocolate Bobba jean sponge cake
– One is brilliant
– One is a pile of shit
Timing is key
Process is key
Practice is key
If you are in a business and you have the same product 
One will succeed – and one will go broke …. Why? 
What is the X factor that will make you succeed ? 
A great Product enables you to get a seat at the table – to win you need a whole heap off stuff!!
1. knowledge to know how! – that’s available in abundance 
2. The 4 pillars ….. Marketing , sales, systems, delivery
3. Great support from people you know like and trust and who know like and trust you 
Systems and processes are key to scale -automation – creates leverage . Once you know how repeat and repeat and repeat
Don’t be scared to use processes and learn  from people who’ve done it before !!! Find a great mentor
People have said you’re only as successful as the 10 most important people around you – it’s not even how successful or clever they are – it’s about how they can interact with each other and work as a team
They need to be aligned – have a common purpose , common values and a common goal.
You can be a part of many groups – there are no rules. 
You can have 
your family
Your work mates
Your sports team
Your synagogue / church/ mosque / temple 
Your BBG group
Your Bni group 
How each member interacts / and how committed each are to each other or theircommon purpose – will be a major factor in them achieving their common goals.
A key success factor is to have a leader/coach/mentor/captain to guide the group
So what is BBG? 
A group of 30 entrepreneurs / innovators that meet once a month for 3 hours with the soul purpose of getting to know like and trust each other – to become more referrable and develop a behaviour of regular making referrals to people you know like and trust.
BBG uses a cool tool called Referron – which  enables you to track and measure those referrals you receive and give
Join a group – go to www.bbg.business
Key points:- 
1. content is in abundance  – learn – watch – understand 
2. Context of who you are and where you are in the process is key to develope the best product – follow the recipe!!
3. People will deal with people they know like and trust (klt)
4. To create klt online – add massive value . Share content -be authentic 
5. There is a tipping point – where things start to flow – so if you believe in something – persevere – it will come!!! 
Posted on May 24, 2016

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