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Roadmap To Success

SME’s (Small to Medium Enterprises) are struggling at the moment. With the financial pressure of two GFC’s followed by the instability in Europe, many small business owners are wondering just when they will catch a break. The problem is, the global economy can’t be fixed with a batch of home-printed flyers dropped in local letterboxes; and that trip to the bank for a top-up on the business loan just got a whole lot more daunting.
So what can Australia’s Small Business Owners do?
Posted on August 8, 2012

3 responses to “Roadmap To Success”

  1. Ivan Kaye says:

    Hi Neil
    I just finished reading the “Road to Success “ Article in the recent Spark Magazine. A lot of what was mentioned in this article certainly hit home with me. We are a small family business in Country Victoria, doing it very tough. Our main problem is that we don’t seem to get the necessary information from Accountants, in how to proceed. Although we do have traffic through our business , people are not spending big dollars. We have increasing aggressive competition, ( who seem to be cashed up) . What I am asking is there a service where someone can come in , analyse our business and advise the best way to proceed( at minial cost). Whether it be to try to re finance ( which I know is now very tough) or close the business down completely. We have mounting debts with very little cash coming in.

    We are proactive in our advertising, sales representation and taking different direction in the business.

    I hope you can give us some direction and look forward to your response
    Kind regards


  2. Ivan Kaye says:

    H Ivan
    I have taken a look at SPARK – and I think you are SPOT ON – in terms of understanding the future of publishing. What I liked best was the interactive nature of the articles – the fact that we can interact with the authors, make comment, post on Facebook etc. Good model. Good layout.

    Good luck with it!!

  3. Ivan Kaye says:

    looking forward to launching Business School on 10X Connect… watch this space!!

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