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Sales Magic Dust

If, after a series of positive sales conversations, a deal seems to be getting stuck and you find your messages are not being returned try sending this very effective email (Caution: 8/10 times this will flesh out the REAL truth – and it may not be what you want to hear).

Hi John

I enjoyed chatting with you recently about your potential requirement for our (product or service). During our chat it sounded like there might be a fit between your needs and our solution.

I have since sent the information you requested and I’ve had trouble reaching you by phone to continue our discussion as agreed.

My guess is that we are out of touch for one of four reasons:

  1. I may have done something to offend you (I sincerely hope not).
  2. You have placed an order with someone else and you don’t want to tell me as you fear it may hurt my feelings.
  3. The problem you had has gone away and it’s no longer a priority.
  4. You’ve been trying to email me the PO but your system has been down for days.

John, please advise which one of the above it is and specify below what action you’d like me to take next.

Thank you in advance for your kindness in getting back to me.

The Seasoned Sales Professional

Phil Lee is the Founder of Sandler Training in Australia. Sandler is the world’s largest sales and management training and coaching organisations.

Posted on March 21, 2015

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