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Six steps to refocus your business

Extract from article in Smart company – Friday, 20 June 2014 08:50 – AMANDA ROSE 
You are in a rut – 
Emails, calls, admin, issues, time poor, desk is overflowing!!! 
Business is good but you are overwhelmed and don’t know what to do next. 

Review your plans and your goals. 
Your why , how and what – 
And see if they are still relevant! 
Step One: power off the internet 
 The internet is a time vampire.  Answer an email and three hours later you find yourself reviewing your share portfolio, commenting on Facebook and checking your linkedin comments!!! 

During times that you’re unfocused and easily distracted, the internet becomes a haven for procrastination and should be temporarily avoided. Set up an auto-response on your email account saying that you’ll attend to matters in 24 hours. Don’t leave your phone number.
Step Two: review your current business plan.
Have your goals changed ?

Focus is easily derailed if you no longer want what you are working towards. Priorities change and evolve, and your business plan needs to reflect that.
Step Three: pinpoint what’s bugging you 

It’s amazing how something so small things like tidying your desk can affect the way you feel about your progression. 
It’s possible that the source of your unhappiness is a host of seemingly little issues. Look at the whole picture of your business and work out what is really bugging you, and what needs to be fixed.
Step Four: talk to someone. 

Whether it is a close friend, a partner or your personal advisory board, communicate how you feel about where you’re at. 
Talking about it can release the frustration, anxiety and stress associated with the problem, and clarify a solution –  so pick up the phone. 
Even if they can’t offer solutions, reaching out to your support system is the foundation for progress.
Step Five: review and reset your goals. 

Factoring in your current priorities and where you’re at, write a new list of things you’d like to achieve. 
With actions – What, by when and by whom 
Review and reset regularly 
Step Six: Relax

When business gets overwhelming, take a moment to step outside and take some deep breaths. Exercise is also a great way to renew motivation and that ‘Can do’ attitude.    
If you want to refocus – reset, relax, reflect and replan and you’ll be able to reignite the passion to get back to work. 
If you are keen to join a regular mastermind group of 10 – let me know 
Posted on June 22, 2014

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