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Support again for Australian Innovation?

I love elections!!

A time when Government focuses on the important stuff – like supporting innovation!!

Looking forward to the Industry and Innovation Statement aimed at manufacturing, likely to provide more support for the sector, perhaps disguised as “innovation” incentives, or more government procurement, or marketing programs (inevitably led by “ambassadors”).

Need to be addresssed

  • ongoing flatness of residential construction – lack of housing spply
  • support of manufacturing – (hurt by high A$)
  • reduction of support for exporters – EMDG should be increased 

Things going well!

  • R&D and Commercialisation Australia – seems to be working
  • Training Incentives – seem to be working 
  • The Vic Government have launched a brilliant programme called the “Innovation Vouchers Programme” Supporting Innovative Companies to help their business grow through initiatives being supported by $10k vouchers, and $25k support to collaborate with universities. (Other states – take note (NSW!!!))
Being addressed – but why?

Support for specific industries that are not competitive with global markets – such as clothing industry and motor vehicle industry

Posted on February 7, 2013

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