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– Sydney Business Development Expert Shares Top 4 Survival Tips

Do you need to manage your cashflow in a crisis?

If so, join me for breakfast on the 25 June from 7:30am – 9:30am, where local business advisor and business development expert, Koos Kruger, will share his top cashflow management strategies proven to work for Australian businesses.

According to Koos, cashflow represents one of the major concerns of business owners, with 92% frequently experiencing stress as a result of it, and a significant amount having to source additional funding, reduce their operations, and even take pay cuts to accommodate it within their business.

Koos shares his Top 4 cashflow management strategies: 

  1.  Set goal-oriented budgets
  2.  Focus on increasing sales and income
  3.  Avoid easy tactics like discounting
  4.  Reduce the cashflow cycle by implementing a debtors collection system and credit policy
As Koos Kruger stresses: “Cashflow represents the lifeline of all businesses, and with the right resources and support, businesses can ensure that their cashflow is effectively managed for survival.”

About Koos Kruger

Koos is one of the smartest business minds that I have had the honour and privilige to have met, and I am delighted to host his “Cash Flow in a Crisis event.
Over the years, Koos Kruger has worked as a Director of KPMG, and various managerial and consulting roles with the likes of Orica, Thiess, Kell and Rigby and Primary Health Care. 
One thing I can guarantee, is that you will leave the breakfast with a number of vital strategies that will help you grow your business and manage your cash flow and profitability. 
This is what some people have said about Koos Kruger
BSI is proud to present Koos Kruger’s  “Cashflow in a Crisis” to its subscribers 

WHEN: Thursday, 25th June 2015 from 7:30 to 9:30am
COMPLIMENTARY: A light breakfast will be served.
VENUE: Level 7, 14 Martin Place, Sydney

To register for the event, simply click on the link below:

If you would like to connect and network with me and the other people at the seminar, be sure to download referron, and you will be connected! 

Posted on June 3, 2015

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