The 3 fundamentals of lead generation
#Tips from Kleo Merrick
You can have the best website, best branding, best systems, best sales funnels, BUT…. without Leads, you don’t have JACK S**T!!!
My apologies if this sounds harsh, but it took me a really long time to ‘get’ this and my business success sorely paid for it! So please learn from my mistakes…
Lead Generation would have to be one of the most important factors of owning and building a successful business. Without leads, or meeting potential clients, your business has no future.
So here are 3 tips to help you with your Lead Generation:
1. Where do they come from? You must quickly identify where your leads come from, e.g: Social Media? Word of Mouth? Paid Ads? Your Events? Networking? Blogs?
The key here is to know your target market and where they come together. Things you must take into consideration: you’re not going to find many Businessmen doing business on Facebook, because they’re most likely on LinkedIn!
You’re not going to find Over 70s women on Instagram, because they’re most likely networking.
If you don’t already know where your clients come from – ask them! Contact all of your past & current clients and ask them where or how they found you. Then focus your marketing on this area to generate more leads.
2. What does it cost you to find them? The next step is to identify the cost per lead. In other words, how much money and time do you need to use to attract one lead? For example: if they come from a networking group, how much did it cost you to attend? How much time did you put in to create a good relationship to generate this lead?
Know your numbers, if it cost you $20 to generate a lead and your offer is $200 – then that’s a fantastic lead when you convert them to a customer! If however, your lead cost you $150, for a $200 offer – it’s not worth it. Either you have to find a cheaper lead source or look at raising your prices.
3. How do you Convert your leads? Generating leads is great but you must be able to convert them. In other words, you want them to buy your stuff. So what do you offer them?
As a first off offer, it needs to help them now, be enticing, value-packed and reasonably priced. Essentially it needs to get them into the first stage of your sales funnel and could be Free – $100. Some examples of this could be: eBooks, templates, cheat-sheets, blueprints, webinars, online trainings, books, podcasts, online courses, blogs, tickets to events, etc.
I hope this helps you gain a basic understanding of Lead Generation. This is to start you off, as you progress through your business, you will find more and more moving parts to it. It’s inevitable, the more you learn about something, the more you find there is to learn about it!
The main thing is to stick with it, never give up, always find a way and when in doubt, ask for help 😉
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