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The 4 key things a great consultant understands

It’s all about relationships 

You’ve had a stellar career working high up in a blue chip or fortune 500 company, felt you had reached the pinnacle of your career and now you are looking to “give back” by imparting your priceless knowledge to the business community.

You have entered the realm of small business – you have become one…….

Welcome to club fear!!!!

Being an SME is different to consulting to the bigger end of town – let me tell you! 

Being on the other side – pitching to large corporates and SMEs is not for the faint hearted 

Being in a top position in a corporate gives you a position of POWER where you know that the service provider   is basically “desperate” to do business with you!

Large business transactions are built on the balance of power, SME transactions are almost always built upon shoestring budgets and understanding the needs and benefits of both parties.

It’s all about relationships – and tour ability to relate to the client – be it big or small.

Relationships is the fuel that makes your business flourish. 

Create them, nurture them and grow them! 

It a world of digital distraction, it’s easy to lose touch with real human connection. Remain focused and grounded on what truly makes impact….. strong relationships.

If you do not know something – be comfortable that you can refer to someone who does have the knowledge and experience to solve the problem 

It is not about you – It is ALL about the client.

Be flexible and adaptable, most of all be accommodating to changing priorities. Park your ego and WIIFM at the door. 

It’s about listening 

Have a 2 sided conversation and come up with a solution for their actual problem, not the one you are hoping they have.

B low is a great story about the patient who went to see a doctor with a dislocated finger..

“Next patient please!”

You: “Hi doc, I hav……..”

Doc: “Hey have you heard about our new improved Viagra? It’s something else really, not only does it give you the vitality of an 18 year old, it also grows a full head of luscious hair and will make you feel 15 years younger!”

You: “Yes but my fing….”

Doc: “Did I mention that I know of at least 10 people exactly like you that have created new families because of this. Probably more that have not given me a personal testimonial! Really everyone needs to try this!”

You holding up your finger (bent at an odd angle): “ But doc can you help me with my f…..”

Doc: “Of course I can help you!! That is why you came here isn’t it! I know you are probably a bit cautious about the possible side effects of this drug… but rest assured I have never had a poor review… actually one or two but they obviously did not follow my instructions correctly. So what do you say, can I sign you up?”

Don’t be out there as a consultant doing the equivalent of prescribing Viagra for a dislocated finger.

It’s about taking them on the journey 

Business is personal – it’s an extension of yourself. Share your clients  failures and disappointments and rejoice in their wins (and your contributions to those wins) as much as your client does. 

Don’t stop at the recommendations – see it through – take them along on the journey. be a leader

It about delivering 

Under promise and overdeliver – provide a wow service 

Follow  some of your earlier client’s successes anddfeel proud of your contribution 

Posted on April 9, 2019

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