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The 5 Abilities – Jim Rohn

Interesting excerpt of a Jim Rohn Seminar. Apparently he was a mentor of Anthony Robbins

1. Develop the Ability to Absorb…. take things in ……arrive earlier, stay later… take full advantage of what you are doing….
2. Have the Ability to Absorb – let life touch you. Be touched by your environment and by the drama around you. Absorb your pain and pleasure – its part of life… don’t suppress it.
3. Have the ability to reflect – rerun the tapes/events – daily/weekly/monthly – what you can measure you can manage….7th day – review the previous 6 days.
WHat went right/wrong/missing – based on last 6 plan next 6
4. and 5. Develop the ability to ACT – This is the Miracle key of the process…. whether the decision is right or wrong…. make that decision!! If it is wrong you can then change course and make the right decision… get rid of the FTI disease – Failure to implement

Posted on May 22, 2009

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