The man Behan BD KFC – Colonel Sanders
At 5 years old: He lost his father.
At 16: He dropped out of school.
At 17: He was fired from 4 jobs.
At 18: He got married and became a railroad conductor.
At 19: He became a father to a little girl.
At 20: His wife left him and took their one year old baby daughter with her.
At 22: He joined the army, applied to law school and faced rejection after rejection from school and jobs he applied to.
He then became an insurance salesman and after losing his job to a recession, became a cook and dishwasher at a small cafe near his house.
At 65: He retired, and on the first day of retirement, he received his pension. A cheque only for $105…
He then felt like committing suicide, and sat under a tree writing a suicide letter when all of sudden a thought came into his head. He realized there was a lot more to do in life still and that he could do something that was different from the others. He borrowed $87 to buy a fryer and his recipe’s ingredients.
He lived on his unique recipe, and continued to face rejections.
Finally, when all else seemed to fail, a restaurant gave him his moment and KFC was born.
At 88: He became a multi-billionaire.
The man was Colonel Sanders.
Moral: You are never too old to start making your dreams true.