“The resistable rise of Arturo Ui”
Saw a brilliant play last night – highly recommended!
the Resistable Rise Of Arturo Ui
Food for thought
Hugo Weaving geniusly portrays Arturo Ui – a gangster with a lust for power. In the fruit and vegetable industry in distress, with Politicians that are compromised , Ui keeps rising and rising until he reaches the very top. When he gets there, he won’t be breaking the law, he’ll be making it.
Bertolt Brecht’s play, written in 1941 is a cautionary satire on the rise of Hitler. It has the wit, murder and musicality of a gangster movie while asking a very political question – how do we let a man like that come to power?
What would you do if your livelihood and way of life was compromised by a criminal?
Posted on April 22, 2018
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