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The top 8 habits of successful entrepreneurs

1. Stay Grounded

 Most successful entrepreneurs will stay grounded and remember the real things and people that are important to them. When you become amazingly successful, they don’t forget the people that supported them through any tough times they  may have had.

2. Driven by Passion.

Entrepreneurs have something deep within them that drives them. It’s a burning desire for what they’re doing and it’s the only reason that they’ve been able to come so far in the world.

Whenever you think you’re ready to embark on a new career in life, just think to yourself; is it something you’re incredibly passionate about.

3. Plan 

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Before going on a journey, identify the journey and map out the route.Like google maps, there are many tools to help you plan your business venture. Planning gives you a clear picture of what you’re going to do and how you’re going to go about a certain task at hand..

Do the research, SWOT, models, asssess all the risks, before carrying out the task at hand. 

4. They Don’t Give Themselves Excuses

Excuses, excuses. We’re all slaves to them at one point or another in our lifetime. You don’t have time, you’re too tired, you think you can just do it tomorrow, etc. Whom are you trying to fool?

People who have achieved success don’t give themselves excuses. “If it is important to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” 

So if you’re still making up excuses in order to take the lazy way out for the day, then maybe it just isn’t that important to you, and your time is better spent doing something else.

Finding that one thing in life where we never give ourselves excuses is an absolute gift in this world. It means you’ve found your passion.

5. Keep on Moving Forward

As long as you’re moving forward each week, you should have no regrets. And don’t misunderstand when I say this, because sometimes what’s actually moving forward can be perceived by people as a failure.

If you’re consistently improving upon yourself as a person week after week, then you’re not wasting your time. Keep it up!

6. Very Observational

Observational skills are so important; I can’t stress how important they are. Entrepreneurs with good observation notice everything around them. They can spot small changes, problems, issues, glimpses of light and such.

A number of things you can spot with the good observation that will aid your business are ridiculously high. So start by trying to improve these skills.

Life Hacker wrote a great article a couple of years ago on ‘How to Develop Sherlock Holmes-like Powers of Observation and Deduction’.

7. High Levels of Confidence

High confidence is a given really, right? Entrepreneurs with low confidence in themselves will struggle to really believe in their ideas and they are more likely to have doubt. What doubt does, is it stops you from putting 100% into what you’re doing.

You’ll start thinking that your time could be used more wisely towards something easier that you know will work.

To be successful you’ve got to have complete confidence in what you’re doing and be able to tell people this is the case, instead of conveying your idea to them like it’s a question.

Think of it like this; if you’re a sales person and you don’t believe in your product, are the people you’re offering it to going to be convinced?

8. They Think Big, Do Small

The title’s slightly misleading, I get that. The thing is that successful entrepreneurs will have these great, potentially huge ideas within their mind, but they won’t get completely carried away with this.

Instead, what they will do is keep this big idea in their mind, and then set themselves up with lots of smaller goals that will lead them to make this idea of theirs a reality. You can’t do everything in one day, it’s just not possible.

Things take time and so if you get carried away with trying to build this large dream of yours as quickly as possible; your brain skips over the smaller things that are needed to build the foundation for your dream.

Written by 

Posted on May 20, 2017

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