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Things you need to look at when thinking of retirement

In this Ark Informer, the Ark team look at the challenging issues facing pre-retirees.
They will be hosting an educational seminar on the Tuesday 19th March  at 12:30pm and the Wednesday 20th at 6pm in March to discuss the issues and possible solutions. Click those dates if you would like to attend. I hope to see you there.

If you cannot make the seminar, or you are based outside of Sydney, and you would like a copy of our retirement ebook, please click here and type “ebook” in the message box, and the ebook and notes from the seminar will be sent to you after the event.
Issue No. 05 – Retirement Planning
Understanding your retirement options
The concept of retirement has changed considerably over the past decade. No longer is age 65 the standard retirement age.
Employers are becoming more flexible and allowing employees to gradually wind down their working hours into retirement. To compliment this, superannuation laws have changed that now allow you to access a portion of your superannuation at age 55.
Regardless of when you want to retire, there are two important questions that still need to be answered;
– How much income do you need to live?
– How much assets is enough to fund your lifestyle?
Lifestyle is a personal decision, what might be standard for you may be luxury to another.
The Seminar
Given the dilemna above, we will be hosting a seminar that focuses on the following;
– How much is enough for retirement?
– How long do you need to plan for?
– How you can use your super now to benefit your retirement?
– How to reduce tax and boost your retirement benefits?
– How to qualify for the Age Pension?
Our expert advisors will answer each of the above questions and there will be sufficient time for questions. The seminar is designed to be educational and best of all it is complimentary.
The Dilemna
How much do you need to live?
To determine this, you need to analyse your current expenses. An effecient way to do this is to separate your living requirements into fixed and discretionary. This then creates a baseline of what you need to survive and what is left over for the descretionary spending.
What value of assets do you need to maintain the lifestyle above?
In an ideal world, you would have enough assets invested to provide you with a passive income to support your lifestyle. This ensures you never run out of money for you retirement.
 Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. This means you need to implement a strategy over time that will help you get the most out of what you have for retirement. This can include some of the strategies listed below.
What strategies can you implement?
It is never to early to start planning for your retirement. We have listed some strategies that you can implement before you retire;
– Additional contributions to super
– Self Managed Superannuation Funds (including using leverage)
– Changing the Asset Allocation within your existing super fund
– Changing assets to qualify for the Age Pension
– Tax reduction
Each separate strategy will play a pivotal role in helping you achieve your retirement dreams. If you are thinking of retiring, or you just want to learn more about what options there are in retirement feel free to come along to our seminar on the 19th and 20th of March.
If you cannot make the seminar, or you are based outside of Sydney, and you would like a copy of our retirement ebook, pleaseclick here and type “ebook” in the message box.
 We will send you the ebook and notes from the seminar after the event.
The Ark Total Wealth Team
March 2013
Click on the dates below  to register for relevant seminars
Tue 19th March @ 12:30pm
Wed 20th March @ 6pm
Where: Level 7, 14 Martin Place, SydneyLight snacks and refreshments will be provided.
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Ark Total Wealth
Level 7, 14 Martin Place 
Sydney NSW 2000
P: 02 9262 3333

E: info@arktotalwealth.com.au

Posted on March 7, 2013

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