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Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Found the book gathering dust on our bookshelf…. don’t know why I haven’t read it yet… but is a real treat….
Written in the 1930’s… I reckon that Brian Tracey, Anthony Robbins, “The Secret” and all the other Gurus used this book as a basis for there philosophies!

The Secret? DESIRE, FAITH, PLANNING and PERSISTENCE …. with Autosuggestion being the mixer….
Exchangiing Ideas and creating a “Panel of Masterminds” – who are aligned  ANYTHING CAN BE ACHIEVED


  • “Thoughts become dreams, become actions, become habits”
  • Great 50c story
  • Great story about persistance
  • “I am the master of my fate and captain of my soul”
  • There is always a way
  • Nothing is Impossible
  • Thoughts are Magnets and have real Vibrations
  • Focussed Energy

More to come

Posted on October 4, 2010

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