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Twitter Founder Reveals Secret Formula for Getting Rich Online

Ev Williams gems

Find something that is tried and true and do it better!

“Take a human desire, preferably one that has been around for a really long time…Identify that desire and use modern technology to take out steps.”

The Internet is merely an engine of convenience.Those who can tune that engine well — who solve basic human problems with greater speed and simplicity than those who came before — will profit immensely.  Remove the extra step from common activities 

 “If you study what the really big things on the internet are, you realize they are masters at making things fast and not making people think.”
Being elegantly simple is key!

“And if you look at any big internet thing, you see it’s basically a big hive of connections. A Follow is a connection. A Like is a connection.”

His recent example is Uber. “How old is the desire of getting from here to there?” he said. “How hard was it really to do? They took out some steps in that process…They formed a connection between you and the driver.”

Enabling you to refer someone that you know like and trust, connect, monitor, measure, track and reward within 3 steps. And under a minute! 

The unfortunate consequence

The rub is that we often take convenience too far. “Look at the technology of agriculture taken to an extreme — where we have industrialized farms that are not good for the environment or animals or nourishment,” he says. “Look at a country full of people who have had such convenient access to calories that they’re addicted, obese, and sick.” He likens this agricultural nightmare to our unhealthy obsession with internet numbers like retweets and likes and followers and friends.
The internet wants to give people exactly what they’re looking for. And people who understand how to channel those needs will be disproportionately powerful.
Posted on October 19, 2013

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