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Value the Journey and be grateful

Speaker and Maximum Performance Strategist. CEO of Matt Mayberry Enterprises

One of the major causes of unhappiness in the world of entrepreneurs, business leaders and high achievers is not taking the time to value the journey we’re on.

“Smell the roses”

“Be grateful for what you have”

Whether you are already a major success and achieved financial freedom or if you are a startup founder passionately and aggressively working day and night to get to where you want to go, be sure to value the journey or the daily grind will suck you dry!!!

A friend of mine – let’s call him Mark , has recently grown his business significantly and by all accounts is successful. He has a wonderful  family, and an awesome team at work and financially successful – and yet , he was miserable! He felt a major part of him was missing and his happiness was at an all-time low.


 he wasn’t valuing his journey

 He was letting the hustle and bustle of life drag him down. He was always striving to hit his next target, without ever taking the time to just appreciate where he is now. 

I simply asked him for a week to start making it a priority to value the process and the journey that he is currently on. He looked at me like he just wasted 15 minutes.

Long story short, he came back a week later in disbelief. He couldn’t believe how much his mood, happiness and even work performance skyrocketed by just beginning to value the current process and journey. 

He admitted that for once in his life, he was fully able to appreciate his life. 

Even though he was still extremely motivated to take his life and company to the next level, he was actually able to see the world clearer because he was intentional about placing a high value on his journey.

Posted on July 23, 2016

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