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VC in Australia in 2016 is looking good

From startup magazine 
With four funds with $800m to invest , Blackbird, Blue Sky Venture CapitalSquare Peg Capital and Brandon Capital all announcing $200 million raisings. and a host of success stories, Blackbird’s Scevak is looking forward to exciting times in the Australian VC world. 
As these funds begin to deploy capital to local startups, the market will inevitably begin to compete with the world, Blue Sky Venture Capital investment director Elaine Stead tells Startup.
Is there enough deal flow to place these funds in Oz! It us known that the money is made in the series A an B rounds – when companies are established and ready to scale aka Atlassian 
Tony Holt of Square Peg says the industry will take a while to mature, and building a successful VC community does not happen overnight 

” This year will see large deployments of venture capital into the Australian startup ecosystem.We have a significant capacity to invest,” Holt says.

“We’ve had interest that has exceeded our expectations. We’re certainly in a position where we are investing from the new fund.”
Blackbird is on the hunt for founders that are ready to scale globally, Scavek says.
“We want to invest in ever more ambitious Australians who are aiming to be the best in the world, not the best in Australia,” he says.
“We’ll simply invest in the best entrepreneurs at a pace that we think makes sense.”
Blue Sky Ventures will be looking to close its own $200 million fund by the end of the year and is on the verge of fully deploying its previous fund after it was closed only eight months ago.
“That’s a strong signal of the deal-flow quality and volume we are seeing at the moment,” Stead says.
“This year we will be relentlessly focused on delivering investor value.
“We have three investments in the works right now which I look forward to sharing with everyone when we can talk about them.
“Then we will focus on developing deal-flow for our third fund so we can hit the ground running when it closes.” Watch outkleiner Perkins !!!!!
Posted on February 18, 2016

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