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Vinson Leow, founder of ASAP
Technologies, has 
first crowdfunding
campaign for their product, the ASAP Dash
, at the beginning of the

ASAP Dash positioned itself as the world’s fastest battery pack. Storing
enough power to charge an iPhone 5 to 100% in just 5 mins.

When the campaign closed on
March 28th, they had raised $190,670 USD, which was 586% over their original
Now, ASAP Technologies have their next great product. They have
once again taken to crowdfunding, and again, their results have been
This next product is ASAP Connect. It’s a USB cable that allows
you to connect your phone or USB devices to your device quickly and seamlessly.
It also has patent-pending magnetic technology, 18K gold plated connectors,
aluminium shield and nylon braided cables.
The ASAP Connect is the second product from ASAP Technologies to smash its crowdfunding target by over 500%
If you aren’t already intrigued, well, you are rare, because over
3,693 other backers were.
Vinson and his team came into
this campaign with an initial goal of $30,000. Currently, they have reached
over $171,742 USD, making them 573% over their target, with a month still left
to go. 
ASAP Technologies are proving themselves to be a technology
company to watch.
Entourage  sat down with Vinson to discuss how he has been getting results
that majority of crowdfunding campaigns can only hope to see.
How did you approach this
crowdfunding campaign differently to your first one?

This time, I knew what the factors towards a successful campaign ar and
therefore was able to systematically prepare how to drive traffic towards the
second campaign.

What is the ethos behind your
product development?

Every product must help improve our everyday lives, often in the simplest of

What kind of research do you do
to verify demand for potential new products?

Often, we are innovating something that already exists by either integrating
new features from another product, or making the existing product better than
what’s in the current market, so we already have proof of concept. 
You never truly know until you
give it a go which is why we use crowdfunding.

How do you find gaps in the
market to launch new products into?

Our focus is on consumer electronics with a current focus on smartphone
accessories. There is constant innovation to meet gaps here so new and improved
features will continue to be well received.

What tips would you give
someone looking to partner with an overseas manufacturer?

Don’t use a sourcing agent, go to China directly, hire a translator and visit
at least a dozen factories.

ASAP Connect: The future of USB cables

We’ve seen that you’ve been
very successful in getting publications to feature your new products, how do
you approach them and what do you do to get them on board?

We employ the services of several growth hackers who are able to get our
product in front of editors. We occasionally also use a PR agency, though
that’s had a poor return on investment for us.

What is the recipe you use to
create a sales video that converts?

We analyse previous high revenue videos aimed at a similar target market and
find the best parts. Being technology, we focus mostly on the problem and
solutions our products will provide our consumers.

Now that you’ve run a number of
successful crowdfunding campaigns, what have you learned that you wished you
had implemented sooner?

Facebook advertising makes up 60%+ of a successful campaign’s strategy. Working
with a digital media agency who has experience with over 40 crowdfunding
campaigns is crucial to getting the most out of each campaign.

Any advice for entrepreneurs
looking to launch a new consumer product into the market?

Don’t make the same mistakes many crowdfund campaigners make. Focus on driving
traffic to the page rather than perfecting the video or page.

Posted on June 23, 2016

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