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What dyou wanna be whe u grow up

– thoughts on Labor Day – by Joseph Dominic Nicassio- guru mentor! 

A job  make you feel good ,  happy with yourself , fulfilled – adding value – 
Making you feel unfulfilled 
– What is it you want in terms of a career in terms of using your talent ?
– We all have genius inside of us – talent from God – we’ve gotta be good at it ?
What are you passionate about? If not – you gonna hate it – you will burn out after awhile 
– Love what youdo
– Be good at what you do
– Make a difference in the world 
– Serving a higher cause  or purpose – key to understand what you want to be when you grow up
What is your customers pain?
– You go talent 
– You got skills
– You got abilities 
How can you solve those problems ?
How can you connect the dots to earn a living and do it in a way that you enjoy – no love what you do , what you are passionate about?
What’s your calling?
What’s your music inside of you?
What can you share with the world ?
What are you passionate about ? What rings your bells? What drives you? Ehat energised you ? What enthuses you?
Why u wanna be when u grow up? 
Children are born as geniuses and then are conditioned to mediocrity!
What difference are you making to the world or to the person/ organisation  you are serving 
What’s Your ripple effect ? How are you contributing to their generational legacy?
In pursuit of excellence 
– Excellence is never an accident – It’s achieved through an unrelenting and insistence of highest standards of performance – it demands commitment , persistance , practice and teamwork 
– Excellence requires Passion and Commitment in pursuit of achieving perfection and beating your pb (personal best)
– Excellence is contagious it infects and affects everyone 
– It Charts a direction from the leaders – excellence needs to be continually nourished and consistently reviewed and renewed 
– Excellence is a never ending process of learning and growing and requires commitment and tenaciousness from the leaders and entire team within the organisation 
– Excellence requires a spirit of motivation and boundless energy 
– Excellence inspires, motivates, energises, electrifies and enthuses – excellence brings on more excellence – it feeds on itself – 
– Excellence requires a spirit of motivation and boundless energy 
– Excellence unleashes an impact that permeates every nook and cranny of an organisation 
– It’s an answer to apathy and inertia
– Excellence is a stimulating and pulsating force 
– Excellence will create a fiercely driving philosophy of motivation and performance 
– Excellence is a state of mind that once put into action – is a roadmap to success and growth
To Instill excellence in an organisation is difficult – to sustain it – even more so. 
What are you doing to Instill excellence in the things that you do? 
Posted on September 6, 2016

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