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Why are you an entrepreneur? My 8 whys of being an entrepreneur

What makes an entrepreneur tick… Some say money, but that is usually pretty well low on the list.
Being a successful entrepreneur should create significant wealth, but I have found that is usually a by product…

So what drives us entrepreneurs? As my friend Mark Falzon says…. What is the why? Why are you doing what you are doing?

These are some of my why’s …. Would be great to hear what yours are….

1. Sense of autonomy,control and freedom. It’s a great feeling to be able to do what I do, in my time, call my own shots, be in control of my own destiny. ( the reality of this is its bullshit, as you probably have less freedom and time, autonomy, control and freedom as your venture grows.
2. Maybe no-one wanted to employ me , as I am different and a bit quirky. I don’t fit well in a corporate culture…. However have developed our own, as the business has grown
3. Maybe being an entrepreneur and mercurial is in my DNA…. Is being an entrepreneur nurture or nature?
4. The adrenalin of taking a risk…. That fear of failure! Overcoming the odds… Are you an entrepreneur…. If so, welcome to the exclusive club…”club fear!” Will the innovation work? Will you get support? How are you going to meet the wage bill? Will the customer buy? How are you king to replace that key person who has just resigned? Etc etc
5. Having a sense of purpose…making a difference .. Where the thing that ignites you and inspires you – the thing that you do intersects with improving ” your world” – by doing what you are doing , you are doing for something bigger than yourself. Improving society.
6. Leaving a legacy . Knowing you have left this earth, or the people around you, a better place
7. Family , sport and social – having the ability ( perceived!) to spend with your family , friends and play more sport
8. Sense of accomplishment and being acknowledged …. There is nothing better than achieving and being acknowledged for that.it is also a great feeling acknowledging others.

Posted on February 23, 2013

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