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Why have an inspiring vision for your business

Ivan Nurick gives some good reasons of why it’s important for a company to have an articulated inspiring vision:-

1. It provides a picture of what the company will look like, be like and feel like once the job has been done. Have you ever tried building a 1,000+piece puzzle without having the picture? Well, this is what many companies are asking their people to do. 

2. Determines the boundaries of the ‘sandpit’ that we play in.

3. Helps people become emotionally invested in the cause

4. Provides unity of Purpose and unity of Action

5. Provides a platform to leverage organisational capabilities and differentiate

6. Mobilises the scarce resources of the business, allocates & deploys them more effectively

7. Guides effort and gains commitmen

8. Provides focus

9. Improves productivity by reducing distractions and time wasting activities

10. Facilitates collective learning

11.  Is the point of reference for all strategic and business planning

12 Links operations to strategy and business plans

13. Forces an external focus

Provided we ‘walk the talk’, 
A vision  
– Can increase staff tenure or reduce staff turnover;
– Is a platform for staff empowerment;
– Facilitates clear communications;
– Improves the level of staff engagement and satisfaction;
– Unlocks potential team synergies;
– Unlocks potential cross functional or divisional synergies;
– Generates greater consistency of effort, service and quality;
– Reduces the ratio of supervisors to staff.
The companies that are able to institutionalise a powerful vision as part of the ‘DNA’ of the business unleash a ‘tiger by the tail’ and significantly and consistently outperform the rest.
Posted on June 21, 2015

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