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Why the $26b investment by Microsoft to Linked in as a great thing

LinkedIn has become the top networking, learning and sales destination for professionals online, and with the acquisition by Microsoft, they are going to actively — and aggressively — integrate into each other’s platforms as much as possible.


1. Lots of professionals

Given that Microsoft has 1 billion users and that LinkedIn has 433 million members in 200 countries (and is adding two new members every second), that’s a lot of professionals we’re talking about.

Some of the most immediate integration opportunities mentioned by LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner include meshing LinkedIn with Microsoft Outlook, Calendar, Active Directory, Office, Windows, Skype, Dynamics, Cortana, Bing and more.

2. Cross- Selling 

He also mentioned closely connecting Microsoft’s Dynamics social selling software with LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator, along with “our objective to transform [e-learning] and development … by deeply integrating the Lynda.com/LinkedIn Learning solution in Office alongside some of the most popular productivity apps on the planet. (Note: six of the top 25 most popular Lynda.com courses are related to Microsoft products.)”

There are many Microsoft and Linked In products that can be enhanced and improved by integrating each companies treasure-trove of apps, tools and platforms 

Why is this great for users 

LinkedIn now has what amounts to an open wallet to flesh out its ambitious plans and expand its empire as the world’s biggest “professional” social media network, with the same money power as the Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. 

Linkedin is keen to be seen more than as just a “jobs” or “career” website.

From integrating e-learning directly into the platform, to opening up its own freelance marketplace, thus making it easier than ever to sell products and services to other professionals directly on the site, LinkedIn is realizing a vision of handling almost every element imaginable in the professional workplace.

It might be a good time for you to spruce up your linked in profile and become active on the network — because things are only going to get quit exciting in the Linkedin and Keynected world.

Inspired by John Nemo 

John Nemo is the author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller “LinkedIn Riches.” Register for hisfree webinar on generating more business with LinkedIn, or get access to his free video training series , “How To Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile!”

Posted on June 21, 2016

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