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10 Habits of the Most Innovative People

Success in any industry goes hand-in-hand with innovation — the ability to produce new ideas, build better solutions, and launch new products. The most successful people are not simply the hardest working, they are often the most innovative.

From Edison, to Branson and Musk, here are 10 habits of some of the most innovative, high profile people around (at the moment). What would you add to this list?

  1. They constantly look for patterns – do you know what Apopheniais?
  2. They are brilliantly lazy – it comes down to efficiency
  3. They are obsessive note-takers
  4. They preach perfection, yet live for the reality of progress
  5. They have a relationship with their fears
  6. They don’t wait for things to break, they are constantly fixing and iterating
  7. They find novel ways to nurture the creative process – mines long showers!
  8. They pursue multiple projects, interests and ventures, not just one
  9. They possess a healthy arrogance
  10. They embrace paradoxical thinking and overlook conventional boundaries

A key part of innovation is implementation and commercialisation — it is not being the first to come up with the idea, but having the boldness to be the first to produce it and bring it to market. When others see risk innovators see opportunity, where others see roadblocks they see potential and outcomes.

How many on this list can you see reflected in yourself? What would you add to the list?

Read more detail on this subject at Huffingtonpost.com

Posted on October 8, 2016

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