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BSI Learning explores the future of work from the correctional centre to the boardroom

Press Release


Minister for Corrections David Elliott on the 24th of May2017 announced BSI Learning had won the contract to deliver the majority of the education and training in prisons. BSI Learningas the registered training organisation was appointed following a rigorous tender process.

This initiative by the Government would increase the number of inmates participating in education and training by 20 per cent. This will help make offenders job-ready upon release, more equipped to integrate into society and less likely to reoffend.

BSI Learning has been a major provider of educational services to government departments, corporates, non for profits, job services and correctional services. BSI Learning has worked in the Queensland correctional system for more than 16 years and has delivered the VET in Prisons Program over the past 10 years.

“We are excited to have the opportunity to partner with CSI and CSNSW to deliver the inmate education program to improve employment prospects and give them an opportunity to make their own choices,” Mr Ivan Kaye, Chairman and Founder of the BSI Group of Companies said. “However, this is just one of many unrelated communities that need our help in one form or another.

“We live in a rapidly changing world and no matter whether you are an inmate, an entrepreneur or in the public sector, you are not going to thrive without continuous learning, collaboration and peer support.”

“The era of artificial intelligence will disrupt the way almost everyone works, and the more we talk about it and recognise how things will change, the better prepared we will be,” said BSI Chairman Ivan Kaye. “Education is the key.” 

BSI Learning will lead discussions on preparing for the future by hosting six events between now and November for HR executives covering the topic ‘Beyond the Future of Work’.


For any media enquiries please contact Peter McKeon, Group CEO – BSI on 02 9216 4000 or pmckeon@bsi.com.au .

Posted on June 6, 2017

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