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Jobly – tailoring jobs for people

Extract from Brian Rashid

Vint Cerf, father of the Internet and David Nordfors started the Innovation for Jobs leadership forum, i4j. They say that the the large numbers of unemployed and unhappy workers are an underutilized resource and customers for better jobs. 

They invented Jobly, a vision of a company that tailors jobs for people (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-nordfors/how-innovation-can-disrup-unemployment_b_5616562.html).

 Similar to a dating site, you as the job seeker express your interests, passions, and skill sets, and Jobly finds the perfect match. Then they take a percentage of the money you make. If you notice, this is much different than the current job seeking process; one in which the job seeker tries desperately to fit into the ‘box’ the employer has created in order to secure the job.

 Jobly find jobs that want your exact skill sets and connect you. Then they take a percentage.

We will create a world where jobs apply for people, instead of people applying for jobs. 

These questions will be answered at ‘The Innovation for Jobs Summit’ at the end of January.

The founders of Jobly are incentivized to find people work they love. They work for the seeker not for the company!

The job seeker is incentivized to hone their skills and clearly communicate their desires. 

Those offering the jobs get talented applicants who are excited about working for them.

Posted on December 26, 2015

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