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So we need to Overhaul our Educational System?

RANDOM THOUGHT: imagine if every high school taught business and entrepreneurial skills.

 Imagine our kids innovating and putting to use those skills to start and grow a business while they’re still in high school. 

Imagine them loving what they do. 

Imagine our kids bypassing Uni because they’re in it and experience real life experiences of being in business versus learning about it from a lecturer (with due respect) who hasn’t started a business before. 

Imagine our kids learning from experienced business people, financiers, angel investors, venture capitalists etc. 

This is just one pathway. I haven’t even started on the arts, sciences, engineering, environmental pathways. 

The entire education system (how people are taught, how teachers learn to teach etc) and access to education needs to improve massively.  
…and this stemmed from overhearing kids on the train saying “man, school’s boring!”. Therein lies the opportunity and challenge. Why is school boring? Why can’t it be fun and engaging? That statement hasn’t changed since forever, right?
Posted on October 23, 2015

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