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The future is arriving

From 14j contributor Herman Gyr:-

I just returned from Switzerland where I got to be part of history — very much related to this thread’s topics. The Swiss Postal Service’s PostAuto inaugurated the world’s first autonomous public transportation service in the city of Sion, Switzerland. It was a great honor and treat for me to be invited to this special event, and to get to ride this remarkable vehicle. This project represents the culmination of great vision, committed leadership and extraordinary collaboration among a wide range of interests and capabilities (the Post, the City of Sion, EPFL, politicians, regulators, start-ups). Truly inspiring! Check out the video: https://www.bluewin.ch/de/news/wirtschaft—boerse/2016/6/23/in-sitten-rollen-ab-sofort-autonome-busse-durch-di.html Yep, that’s me sitting on the thing at 0:10 to 0:16

As part of a strategic blueprinting session in 2013 with PostAuto (the largest bus service in Switzerland) I had offered the following provocative mock-up to stimulate considerations about potential participation in the autonomous mobility space. They decided to go for it, and came up with what’s shown on bottom. It’s coming fast now — in fact, it’s already here!

Posted on July 3, 2016

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